22. Last ultra sound

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"Come on Baby, you gotta get up now." Says whispers as he kisses you on the forehead, today was your last ultrasound before Eden arrives. You were 8 months pregnant, and even though you loved your pregnancy, you were a bit over it. You slowly open your eyes to reveal, your gorgeous husband, trying ever so slightly to wake you up. "Morning baby" You say as you stretch, "morning little one" You say as you rub your bump, and Eden kicks back. "Time to get to get up gorgeous" Johnny says.

You get into the car and drive to the doctors "I just want you here" You say to you bump as you place your hands on it, "she'll be here soon enough" Johnny says.

You walk into the doctors office and sign in, "I hope everything is okay with her" you say to your husband as you sign the sign-in sheet. "She will be perfect, okay baby?" he replies as he holds your hand, as you sit down while you wait for the nurse too call you in. You sit in the office for what feels like hours, it was only fifteen minutes but you were in a day dream, it was perfect, how you wanted everything.
You were walking into the nursery where Johnny was holding Eden as she slept, everything was in place and it was so perfect.
"(Y/n) Depp?!" The nurse yells. You grab Johnny's hand, and he squeezes it ever so slightly.
"This might be a bit cold" she says as she puts the gel on your bump. "She's perfect size" the doctor says. "Everything is perfect and good to go for labour" the nurse says.

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