~Chapter 5 : Explanations~

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In the previous chapter...


" Mama, mama look I made a flower crown for you, red like you love them!" Vincent gave a beautiful flower crown to a red adult Nagi "Oh thanks Vincent you are a love~!" she smiled gently and put it on her head while kissing the purple Naga's cheek. The little Naga giggled and blushed as she does. "Scarlet, Vincent I'm back!" a blue adult Naga slithered in the cave, holding something in his tail. "Dadaaaaa!" the child greeted him cheerfully "Hello darling~" Scarlet, the mother, said to her beloved husband as their child jumped in his arms "Dada, dada, dada!" the male laughed and caught his son "Calm down son!" he calmed down "Sorry... Heeeey did you bring the yum yum?" he moved the tip of his tail happily "Sure~ Come on everyone, lunch time!" the father said. They all sat up around a small fire in the middle of the cave. The blue Naga gave a doe to Scarlet, a fawn to Vincent and took the deer for himself. "Yaaay!" the purple boy cheered and ate peacefully "Thanks my love~" the red woman kissed the blue male. Suddenly, a rifle sound disturbed the meal of the Naga family. They looked at each other, worried... "I will check..." the father stood up "Be careful darling!" his wife said worriedly "I'm coming with you Daddy!' the child said, standing up "No stay here Vincent it's dangerous outside." the man ordered to his son 'But Daddy I want to protect Mommy!' he insisted. The adult smiled and put a hand on his son's head "The best way to protect her is to stay with her. If a villain enters the cave without me noticing she will be in danger, that's why I'm counting on you to protect her okay?" the young boy smiled "Okay Daddy! You can count on me!" he said while putting a thumbs up. The Naga smiled "Thank you Vincent." he said before slithering out the cave.

Another gunshot then two others were heard. Some human's scream were heard too. Vincent went to the entrance of the cave and watched in horror the corpse of his father, laying on the ground in a pool of blood, his blood... He started to cry and his mother went to him "Vincent come back in the ca... O-Oh my god... N-No!" she rushes over the body of her lover while crying "Darling, darling! Wake up please!" the male only coughed up blood and looked up weakly at her "Sc-ar-let... R-Run away... S-Stay alive whi-th o-our ch-ild..." he then closed his eyes and gave his last breath. Vincent cried "Daddy!!!!" his mother quickly turned toward him with a scared look and a teary face "Vincent go away!" he looked at her, confused "W-What?! Never! I promised to Daddy that I will protect you!" he kept crying "I told you to g-..." she couldn't finish her sentence as another gunshot was heard. Scarlet fell on the corpse of her husband as Vincent was now facing their corpses, and the ones of two other humans, a hunter pointing his gun in his direction "Mmh no he is still too young to die... He'll never survive alone in this hostile forest anyway." he put down his gun and left. Vincent fell on the ground and cried all the tears of his body.

~Flashback end~

At this moment I was totally cut off from the world. I couldn't hear anymore, my vision was blurry and tears ran down my face. And then I felt myself falling, and then nothing. Complete black. I fainted...

=Jeremy's Point Of View=

While I was busy shaking like a leaf behind Mike, Scott approached Vincent and told him something that surprised me... "I curse all your kind, you heard me? You killed my parents, my only family left ! You are only monsters ! Go all to hell !!!" Vincent looked surprised too... I stopped shaking "S-Scott?" I asked while stuttering, like always, but he ignored me "I hate your breed! I onmy wish one thing : Your death! To all of you! ALL!!" Mike then spoke up "Hey Scott calm down!" Scott turned to him then snapped "NO I DON'T CALM DOWN!!! THEY KILLED MY FAMILY!!!" I decided to look at Vincent since he stayed silent the whole time "U-Uh M-Mike...? L-Look at V-Vincent... D-Don't you think he's acting w-weird?" Mike looked at me questioningly "Mmh?" then he looked at Vincent "Uh... Vincent?" he asked, moving his paw in front of the other's face "I think you shocked him Scott..." Scott growled slightly "Well good news!!!" Vincent, him, looked... gone... Suddenly his stomach growled so loudly that we through there was a storm! Then tears fell down his face. Vincent closed his eyes and fell on the ground. I gasped "V-Vincent?!" Mike's eyes widened "Uh oh!" he then approached him as Scott smirked "I hope he's dead!" he then left while thinking about something -probably his parents- with tears in his eyes. I looked at Mike with a worried look and he looked at Vincent with a thoughtful one "What are we doing now?" he asked "W-We should take care of Vin-Vincent... T-The poor look h-hungry..." I stated and he replied "Yes you're right..." he then took Vincent on his back and brought him in our burrow.

Purple Guy!Naga x Messenger!Scott - ENG VersionWhere stories live. Discover now