Chapter Seven

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Hallie's Point of View, Two Weeks Later

   I walked up to the door of Louis' flat, tapping away at my phone. Airalynn was texting me about coming to visit, and I didn't want to put stop talking to her. I raised my hand to knock on the door, but my braceleted wrist was caught before could hit the door.

   "Woah there, love, pay attention," said a familiar husky voice. I jumped, looking up at Harry Styles, who was staring down at me. My face flamed, and I bit my lip in embarrassment, when I saw that he had opened the door before I knocked and I would have hit him in the face.

   "Sorry," I mumbled, "I was just texting my friend, and not paying attention." I waved the phone in the air by way of explanation. Harry nodded, his brown curls bouncing. 

   "I understand," he said, "I'd probably do the same." We both chuckled awkwardly, then stood staring at each other for a few seconds. 

   "Uh, Lou is waiting for me," I said suddenly. Harry jumped, moving aside so I could get by.

   "Of course," he said, "Don't mind me, I'm just heading out to eat with Niall." I nodded, waving. "Erm, bye Hallie!" he added. 

   "Bye Harry," I replied, as he shut the door behind him. I headed into the living room, where Louis was already setting up the pillow fort. By setting up, I mean he was gathering every single pillow, blanket, and beanbag in the flat and placing them in a pile in the middle of the room. I rolled my eyes, and threw a couch pillow he had dropped over to him.

    "You got sooo far," I teased. He sent a glare my way, and began pushing the pile to the corner, out of the way.

   "I was trying to wait until Harry was leaving, so he wouldn't mess with it," he defended. I rolled my eyes, and dropped my messenger bag by the door. Then, I pulled the couch away from the center of the room, with a large amount of effort on my part.

   In about thirty minutes, we had successfully moved all of the furniture around the edges of the room, made a huge pillow-blanket fort-bed, chosen a movie, and popped a huge bowel of popcorn. Louis had disappeared into his room to change into pajamas, and I was changing in the bathroom.

   I threw on an oversized black t-shirt, with the 5 Seconds of Summer logo printed in white across the front, and a pair of black and white polka-dotted boxer shorts. I looked down at my legs, and saw the scars that covered them, lines across my shins and thighs like striped socks. There was no way Lou wouldn't notice. I heard his bedroom door open, and decided to take a chance.

   "Hey Boobear?" I called, poking my head out the door.

   "Yes, HallieBear?" he replied, stopping in front of the door. I widened my eyes and gave him the most innocent look possible.

   "I kind of, maybe, forgot my pj pants. Can I borrow some?" Louis nodded, and scampered off to his room. He returned a few moments later with a pair of long, red plaid pajama pants, and handed them to me.

    "Here ya go," he said, "Sorry they're a little faded." I shrugged.

   "Thank you," I sang, disappearing back into the bathroom. I reappeared a few minutes later, with my hair braided, my pjs on, and soft bracelets covering my wrists. Louis bounded over, tugging me to the fort. He held the doorflap we had made aside, and let me crawl in.

   "Don't you wanna take off your bracelets?" he asked as he put in the movie. I shrugged, changing the subject.

    "What movie are we watching again?" I questioned. Louis grinned as he settled in next to me, pulling a blanket over the both of us, and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

   "Forrest Gump!" he yelled. I laughed, snatching a handful of popcorn from the bowel in his lap.

   "Oh, how did I forget?" I questioned, before stuffing my face. He glared at me playfully. "What?" I said, "Did you want that?" just as the opening credits started. 

    "Sh," he hissed, popping his own handful into his mouth, "it's starting!"

   Four hours later, we were still watching movies, curled up in the pillow fort. Louis was sprawled on top of the pillows we had initially used for our heads, and I had my head propped up on his stomach. As I lazily popped a Skittle in my mouth, he mumbled something.

    "What was that?" I asked, tilting my head up to look at him.

    "What are you doing for Christmas?" he said louder. I shrugged, looking down at my hands.

   "I don't know," I admitted. "I can't afford to go visit Dad, and Cal is visiting his family, and Iz is visiting hers, so I can't spend it with them." I sighed, "I'm probably gonna get some Christmas movies and watch them at home, and order in." I frowned, furrowing my brow at the thought of the lonely Christmas.

   "I might make a video or something, and be that lonely Youtuber that actually posts on Christmas day," I added. Louis stared at me, as if confused.

    "So you aren't coming to Doncaster?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow, looking up at him as if he was crazy.

   "Um, no," I said, "Why would I? I wasn't invited. Not by Mom, anyway." Louis shook his head, laughing as if I just said the funniest thing in the world. I shot him a look that clearly said I thought he was insane.

   "Of course you're coming to Doncaster," he said, as if it was obvious, "My birthday is Christmas Eve, and you have to come!" I raised an eyebrow, popping another few skittles into my mouth.

   "And why would that be?" I questioned, sucking on the fruit flavored candy. He tugged the bag from my grasp and poured a few into his hand. Carefully, he picked out all the red ones, and place them on my stomach - earlier in the night I had made him promise to give me all of his red Skittles.

   "Because you're my sister, of course," he crowed, "All of my sisters will be there!" I rolled my eyes at his response.

   "Not Georgia," I pointed out, referring to our half-sister through our dad. Louis' happy face fell, and he sighed dramatically. I immediately felt bad. Louis tended to feel guilty whenever I reminded him how little they talked.

   "Yeah, I guess," he sighed, before brightening, "But does that mean you'll come?" I shrugged, and he cheered, wrapping me in a bear hug.

    "As previously stated, I am your sister. And your sister needs a favor for her YouTube channel " I said. Lou nodded enthusiastically, announcing that he would do anything at all for his little Hallie Hulk-Bear, which made me laugh.

   Then, out of nowhere, there was the sound of someone clearing their throat from the outside of our fort. We looked at each other guiltily, before poking our heads out from under one of our walls. We saw all four of the remaining band members staring at us. I smiled, waving sheepishly, as Louis spoke.

   "Hey, mates," he said, chuckling awkwardly, "Thought you would be out all night." The boys said nothing for a few moments. Finally, Harry broke the silence.

   "She's your sister?" he yelled. I blushed profusely, wincing at his volume. Lou and I looked at each other with wide eyes. Oops.


Well, there's the next chapter. I'm going with Richard and my mom to Italy for two weeks like...really soon, so like. No updates then. And sorry about the long wait, but as I explained in my author's note, we're having some family trouble.

I don't even know what's up with Robbie anymore, people have stopped telling me stuff

Sorry! Love you all! Comment, and vote please!


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