Bye Bye...Or not?

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             The next moring I woke up cuddled up to Taylor he had his arms wraped around me while I laid on him. I quietly got up and went to take a shower. The warm warter felt nice when it was so cold in my hotel room. I washed up and got dressed. I walked out and was startled by Taylor. He had opened the windows now it was hot. Its Summer only a month until school starts up again. Taylor had a smile on his face i gave him a look like, the fuck are you smiling at? That excited to shoot me i see. I'm still going to ask why hes smiling just to get my facts stright.

         " Why are you so happy today?" I asked giving him a kiss which made him light up even more his smile was the best thing on the fase of this Earth if you ask me. " Because I thought of something its a good idea in fact its a amazing idea I think you might like." I looked at him with a smlie " Oh really what would that be?" I said in a weird voice. "  I don't think we should kill ourselves." I wasn't quite expecting that. " What do you mean?" I was so lost. " What I mean is what if we move away together and." I looked up at him with curiosity " And what?" He looked at me and held out his hand he had something in it when i took his had he put it into mine. When I opened my hand i gasped. It was a ring! " Do you mean?.. Oh my..." He looked at me woriedly " Whats wrong?"

We went silent then i opened my mouth and began to tell him what happened with Justin he responded better than i thought he would " I really don't care if you might be pregnant I want to be with you we can move to LA we can live there we can be happy and free from this place that is filled with judgmeantal people have you ever thought that if we start over in a new place where no one knows who you are or anything about you that maybe then we could have friends and live our lives happlily together." Oh damn he sounded devoted to me. " Uh no actully I had never thought of that but it sounds like a good idea under one condition." He looekd up at me his face glowing with hope that i would move with him. " Anything?" I looked him in he eye and handed him his ring back. " Wait a few years before you give this to me but don't make me wait to long okay?" He nodded and we where planning everything out where we where going to live and what part of LA we wanted to move to. I chose somewhere near Long Beach it sounds good to me. For once things are going right i know i'm going to have some ups and downs wtih Taylor but i know we will get passed them we need to.

The Truth About Bullying~Taylor Caniff fanficWhere stories live. Discover now