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this chapter is about felix the same day as the chapter 01-02 but different country i'll just write the next chapter for jeongin and y/n going to school, okii have a nice day my pandas, i hoped you guys will like this


Felix's P.O.V

I woke up from the sound of my alarm, i groan and open my eyes and turned off my alarm....But it didn't stop making noise-_- 'i hate this thing' i sit up and ruffle my hair and throw my alarm clock to the wall, the clock broke and it made a bit of noise as i heard someone calling my name downstairs "HEY FELIX DID I JUST HEARD SOMETHING BROKE IN YOUR ROOM...DONT TELL ME YOU THROW YOUR ALARM CLOCK AGAIN TO THE WALL!?!?!"
He yelled and of course i yelled back but i said it in english so he can't understand "BITCH ITS NOT MY FAULT THIS STUPID ALARM CLOCK IS ANNOYING!!!!!"
I yelled as i get up from bed and grab the broken alarm clock and throw it in the trash next to my computer table, did i introduce myself properly...No ok...my name is lee felix, my friends calls me felix i am korean but i lived in Australia which is where i am now..I lived in a apartment alone but sometimes my friend chan is always here to wake me up or come to school with me or make me food..
I walked to the bathroom and start to the my morning routines

(i'll skip his morning routine let's give our baby felix some privacy ;))

8minutes later~~~~~~~~

I wrapped a towel around my waist and looked at myself in the mirror..'dang i look hot ;)' i watch the water drop to the floor from my dark brown wet hair, i exit my bathroom and walk towards my wardrobe and wore some gray t-shirt, red long sleeve polo and some black jeans (felix is on the picture on top he is also wearing the exact clothes that i wrote in this part of the chapter👆), I looked at myself in the mirror again and fix my hair, i grab my phone and check the time "hmm...8:30am, i still have some time before i go to school since my class starts at 9:00am today" i turned off my phone and put it in to my pockets, i grab a blue bandana that i took from my mini wardrobe besides my huge plain white bed with grey blankets and pastel color pillows 'dont judge me i love pastel colors'
I Wrapped the bandana around my neck and leaves the room and goes downstairs, i walked straightly to the kitchen to see my friend chan cooking some breakfast, i quietly walk towards him and jumpscare him "BOO BITCH" i yelled "WHAT THE FUCK BITCH IM COOKING HERE" he yelled back as i got slap by a spatula in my head from him "ewww you just used that spatula to make breakfast now my hair will smell like bacon," i said as i fix my hair "bitch its your fault that you got slap by my baby spatula, dont be such a baby your hair is fine it doesnt smell like bacon" he said as he sniff my hair to check if it smells like bacon, i sigh and sit on the chair infront of the table as chan put some plate with food in it already infront of our sits, we start to eat silently thinking who will break the uncomfortable silents

"so have you decide to give up searching for her, its been a long time and you still keep searching for her"

To be continued.......

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