I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts

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Miguel was never a superstitious person. In fact he used to scoff at people who cowered in fear at ghost stories and screamed in haunted houses. None of that stuff was real and people who believed they were, were only five steps away from the looney bin themselves. But he'd have to be nuts not to notice that something was definitely up with Apartment 10. The evidence was very clear.

Rosa didn’t seem to notice when the she’d accidentally leave the stove on and the gas flame would magically blow out. Or when he planned to clean out the guest room and suddenly all of the miscellaneous items seem to sort themselves while he was out buying garbage bags. And then of course, while he slept he could occasionally feel a cool breeze ghost over him, despite the fact that the guest room had no windows and was known for being perpetually stuffy.

All of these could have a perfectly reasonable explanation. He just had to find it. Of course, when asking Heather about it, his friend bluntly told him her mother's apartment was indeed haunted. At first he thought she was joking. But when she followed that admonition by simply taking another sip of her coffee and shrugging as if it wasn’t more than fact, he was a little more inclined to believe her. Eisenberg’s were a lot of things, but they weren’t liars.

Since she offered him no advice on what to do, he proceeded to take matters into his own hands. He began to google different solutions for warding off ghosts, good luck charms, etc. He almost felt like he should buy a ouiji board but he wasn’t that desperate.  Not yet, at least.

After some intense googling, he found a website that said it sold homemade potions and charms for cheap. Browsing through, he saw that it seemed almost ridiculously legit. It didn’t seem like anyone would go through that much effort just for a joke. He was tempted to go ahead and buy something called Specter Rebut. Instead, he just starred the page and closed his laptop. “Mrs. Eisenberg?” He called.

“What?” She yelled back from the kitchen.

“It’s bingo night at St.Patrick’s.” He yelled back.

Rosalind walked out of the kitchen and scowled at him. “I don’t want to go play bingo with those cheating geezers.”

He smiled at her and rolled his eyes. “I heard Mr. Johnson will be there.”

The blush that crept on the older woman’s face made her look years younger and Miguel had to hold in his laughter. Certain things about people definitely didn’t change with age.

“I’ll go get my coat.”


Leslie sat his laptop and blinked. “Well that’s weird.”

Edwin glanced over at him from the other side of the coach and rose an eyebrow. “What is it?” He leaned over to glance at the screen.

“Did someone actually respond to your online dating profile?” Heinrich asked floating behind them. Leslie glared at him. “Wha—No! And why would that be weird?”

“Because you are…well… You.” Heinrich admitted.

Edwin blinked, lost. “Wait what?” He was instantly out of the loop. He looked at Leslie. “You have an internet dating profile?” Not that there was anything wrong with that. It just didn’t seem like something the warlock would do. Nor did he seem the type to really need to. “Can I see it?”

Leslie swatted him on the back of the head and Edwin didn’t even flinch. “No, you can’t.”

“I’ve seen it.” Avera hummed as she pawed at a loose string on the carpet, her tail swaying slowly in the air.

“Have you now?” Edwin said scowling.

“How about everyone shut up?” Leslie offered. “Goddess. You guys are annoying. I just got an order from someone in this building. Which is weird because as far as I know the only people who use my online shop people I’ve know for years.”

Apartment 13 (Paranormal Slash, MxM)Where stories live. Discover now