Cold rain

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Dirk went over to Jakes house one rainy day and dey wet watchin tv and a hawt smex sene came on.

Jake loked over and sead "lol dirk u got a buner har" an den he touched it all liek harharrerr. Dirk waz all liek "j-jak senpai..." Dijks Brokoro was all dirjki dirki an jake was all liek "u liek dat?" Dirk sead "yos jake senpai" jake then then took OFF his an dirks pants and dirk laughed "lol jayke u got a bb dik"

he could c on jakes face it offended him, gud thing kankri waz nut here.

"Yea whale u r a lil bitch" jayke then proceeded two thrust his penis into dirks butt "jaykeeee touch meh plz" jake den touched dirks firehose "jake senpai m-my ochinchin!" Dirjk then came glitter rainbows and sparkles, jake then came aso. "Dirjk u r hawt an ily"

"ily2 jayke"

Dirjk waz prego after words and waz used for Jaykes special spaghetti sauce.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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