Authors note- The title doesn't actually show up here, I just thought it would be perfect for the content. And it amused me. Plus I'm bored. So sorry for such a long pause since my last update!
------BLU Sniper's POV------
"Ten minutes until the round begins." The sniper grunted in distaste and stood, straightening his vest and picking up his aviators glasses. With a grin he put on his hat, picking up his trusty Sydney Sleeper and carrying it towards the battlefield, wearing the generic Sniper class clothing. He left his campervan, heading towards the BLU base.
"Mornin' Mundy!" The engineer shouted from somewhere inside as the sniper opened the door. The sniper paused then headed towards the living room, where the engineer sat reading a book.
"How the bloody 'ell did you know I was inside?"
"Yer the only one who opens that door in the mornin', Pardner. Best you keep your own ears prepared for spies." The sniper groaned.
"Real funny, Dell. Ya didn't have to remind me of the bloody RED spook- Been a damn shitty mornin' already." The engineer looked up.
"An' why's that?" The engineer enquired. The sniper grunted.
"Bah, just a nightmare. Nothin' serious." The sniper said. The engineer shook his head.
"If it keeps happenin', tell Doc- If yah don't sleep, yer snipin won't be half as reliable."
"Gotcha. Thanks, Dell."
"Much oblidged."
---Tentaspy's POV---
"Thank you, Fräulein!" The tentaspy said as the medic opened a door into the tunnels under 2fort.
"Do your job and make me proud. Kill any REDs who come into the sewers and hide from BLUs who aren't me." The tentaspy nodded and grinned, his amber eyes glowing as he slid into the sewers.
"I will, Fräulein."
---RED Scout's POV---
The red scout leaped off of the bridge, avoiding a rocket as he hit the water.
"Ooh! Am I too fast for ya, chucklenuts!?" The scout laughed as he surfaced, hearing an enraged Soldier shouting.
"No can do, commander doucheface! I, got an intel tah cap!" The scout laughed as he swam towards the BLU base. He quickly made it inside of the labyrinth-like sewers.
"Aw, nasty!" The scout grunted out as he waded through the murky water. "I better get an extra beer when I get back to base, or these guys are losin' a scout!" He continued moving deeper into the dark sewers, and whined again. "This place smells like dead fish and shit!"
A splash from behind caused the scout to quickly turn.
"Who's there? A spy? Betta not try backstabbin' me, ya damn frog!" He spun around, taking out his baseball bat. Another splash, closer and in front of him. The scout was in waist-deep water, the sludge covering his arms and neck from tripping. The scout saw something begin to rise from the water slowly, and he turned and attempted to move as fast as he could.
The scout turned corners until he came to a dead end. Horrified, he faced the wall, hearing the splashes behind him.
"And where do you think you are going? Fräulein told me to get rid of your kind, little Scout. You will see what they call respawn soon. So long, and goodnight."
The scout turned around slowly, facing the creature.
He screamed. Everything went black.