Part Five: Visions

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Author's note: Sorry guys! I had a lot of stuff going on, I just couldn't keep up! Now, I've managed to get back in the lull of wattpad a little... no promises!

---Tentaspy's POV--

The tentaspy licked his clawed hands, his forked tongue carefully removing any remnants of blood on his fingers. He sighed, looking down at the bones that had once been the scout. He picked them up in his muscled, wet, tentacle, then tossed them farther, into the impenetrable darkness of the sewer. Only his illuminated eyes lighted the tunnel, the water softly lapping against his body. The creature slowly bent over- and picked up the scout's hat, putting it upon his own head with a soft chuckle.

"Intelligence room, indeed..."

---BLU Sniper's POV---

He sighed, sitting down and taking off his aviators and hat. He rubbed his forehead, closing his sharp blue eyes and groaning heavily.

"Damn hard work day.." The sniper muttered to himself, "Barely bloody won." 

He felt a thud beside him, and looked over to see the short texan nodding beside him.

"Agreed, one hundred percent, Slim..." The engineer nodded, taking off his helmet to scratch his head.

The round had just ended, and everyone was heading back to their bases. The engineer and sniper sat on the crates in front of their bases.

The aussie stared into the water, massaging his chin and thought- when he saw splashes. He paused, squinting at the form in the water- and his eyes widened. It looked like the monster..

The one from his nightmares... Within the waters of their very base. It swam into the BLU sewers, disappearing into the dark. The engineer looked at the sniper with a curious expression.

"What's wrong? Ya look like you've seen a ghost.. or maybe a spook!" He chuckled, but raised an eyebrow when the sniper didn't respond.

"Nothin's wrong, truckie.. I'm gonna head back to my van." The sniper grumbled, standing and quickly stumbling over to his van- away from his nightmares.

Waiting for Sniper (TF2 Tentaspy X Sniper)Where stories live. Discover now