Chapter Eight

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"The seventh victim of the Milton's Gap arson attacks died today in the hospital. Mr Keller-" Lewis muted out the familiar sound of the evening news as he lay on the couch, tired and beat. He heard the occasional words such as "Investigation" and "Arson" that gave him too much to think about.

Carrie wasn't home yet. She had taken their children out to eat with a friend and wasn't going to be back for another hour.

The thought of them being out of the house gave Lewis the chills. Anything can happen to anybody. After the death of Mr. Keller, everything changed. Without his statement, the investigation took a huge step back. As much as Lewis hated it, they needed another attack. Another attack would get them more evidence. It would narrow the suspect list.

Mr. Keller died yesterday afternoon. It hadn't made the news until the next evening. Lewis had spent the majority of the last two days working longer than his hours require. So had most of the other officers.

Lewis started locking his front door.

He felt overworked, and underpaid. He drifted in and out of consciousness as he lay on the couch. He wanted to fall asleep, but there was so much on his mind. When will the next attack be?  He thought.

He had followed serial arson cases on the news before, but he had never lived through one. He had followed the entirety of the Thomas Sweatt investigation on the news so many years ago. He wasn't an expert in this, but that was why he had Daniels.

He had worked with TBI agents before, but serial killers weren't exactly his thing.

However, they had to be his thing now. He was playing a part in history. Everybody was going to remember this case. The news story continued, and seemed to be wrapping up. "This serial killer, who is being called the 'Molotov Killer' by many, has claimed seven lives in only two fires," the reported said.

The Molotov Killer?  He thought. I guess every serial killer needs his own catchy name.

The news broadcast switched stories. 

He yawned, looking at his watch. Carrie would be home soon. He wanted to see her and their children more than anything, but he needed sleep. Slowly, he closed his eyes and absorbed the darkness of his slumber.

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