Chapter 5

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I woke up late, like way late, it was after noon. Last time Bruce let me sleep this late was when I was sick, normally we train a little in the morning even when I have school. 

I started stretching when the soreness in my butt made me remember the night before. I rubbed it a little, Bruce was probably still mad at me. Dick too. Oh my god, Dick was so going to be pissed!

If only I could stay in my room forever. wanted to stay. But, I was hungry and knew eventually Alfred would come looking for me. Plus, I really had to pee.

My stomach dropped when I saw Dick sitting at the table. I braced myself, waiting for him to fun.

Dick looked up as I took a seat, "Look who's finally up."

"Uh, yeah..." I mumbled, unable to stop looking at the bandage on his head. That was my fault.

"How are you feeling, Boy Wonder?" He asked, taking a sip of coffee as he looked at his tablet.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I blurted out without thinking. I wanted to take it back, it sounded so rude.

"Fair point." Dick put his mug down and tapped on his head. "But, other than a headache I'm good. Though, coffee might not be my brightest idea." He looked down as the mug frowning.

"So, you're not mad?" I asked hesitantly, sure that he had to be. Bruce and him were yelling a lot the night before, and it was my fault our patrol went wrong.

"Hm," Dick said dramatically and I just knew that he was doing it to teasing me. Even so, I felt like my heart was going to stop. "Nope, just promise me you won't do something like that again."

"I don't think I could if I wanted to." I admitted with a sigh. It had been a terrible idea from start to finish. "Bruce isn't going to let me leave the house ever again."

Dick set his tablet down and looked at me seriously, "He was just mad because he's worried about you."

"I know." I swallowed hard, I wasn't blaming Bruce or trying to whine. I did get it, we did crazy dangerous stuff all the time and I had just made it even more crazy dangerous last night.

"It's just..." I tried to figure out how to form the words I needed. "I didn't want any of that to happen."

"None of us did, but accidents happen, kiddo." Dick said softly.

"Ehhh," I mumbled, laying my head on the table. Why did I have to be so stupid?

"Head up Master Timothy," Alfred said, setting a huge warm breakfast of eggs, sausages, toast, and orange juice in front of me. How did he even know I'd be up now? Sometimes I wonder if he has super powers or something.

My stomach rumbled, "Thanks."

"If I share something with you," Dick watched him go, rubbing at the back of his head "Will you swear to never ever, ever, ever let Bruce know that it was me who told you? Actually scratch that, you don't know period."

"Of course," I had no idea what he could possibly tell me that was so bad if Bruce ever found out. I mean, he could get mad at a lot of stuff, but I didn't think he'd get that mad at Dick. After all, he was always comparing my skills to him. Sometimes it was a little annoying.

Dick leaned forward, "There was a kid who was Robin before you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, shoving some toast in my mouth. I knew Dick use to be Bruce's sidekick. From what they told me though, after a fight he had split and became his own hero. Now, they're allies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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