Chapt 11

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Authors pov

"Serenity how are you holding up." Erick asked. "My mom said you could sleep at our house once you get better."

"That sounds fine. I...I guess." She said in a quiet voice not being able to look up.

"Look Serenity you cant dwell on this forever. You know that."

"It just happened I can dwell on it if I want to."  Erick walked over to he and hugged her.

"I'm sorry."

"For what you didn't do anything."

"I..I just wish I could help you in some way."

"I know."


"Young miss it seems that your mother has died of stress and over working. I am sorry that we couldn't do anything."

Present time

"I wish I could just start over my life. Or even just not be born. Because of me my dad left and my mom died."

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault." Serenity looked at Erick and a tear rolled down her face. She looked down at her lap and started crying.

"I'm sorry." Erick said as he patted her back, clueless of what he should do. He was afraid to say the wrong thing.

"Sweetie is everything okay. It sounds as if someone might be crying." Erick mom walked in holding a tray of food and saw Serenity with her head down crying. Erick looked at her and shrugged still patting Serenity's back.

"Oh sweetie don't cry. Everything will be okay. You can come live with us and we can help you."

"Th-thank." Before Serenity could finishErick's mom  cut her off.

"Don't speak child. Just rest. You probably need it." She patted her shoulder and Serenity later down on the hospital bed and laid under the covers. Ericks mom tucked her in. "Sleep well. Now come on Erick let's leave her to sleep."

2 weeks later.

"Serenity you cant take all of this stuff with you to our house."

"I know but this means a lot to me."

"Serenity this is a fridge. What meaning has it brought."

"It fed me and my mom."

"Serenity it kept your food cold it did not feed you."

"Fine I won't take it."

Ever since she got out of the hospital she hasn't wanted to leave the house but Erick convinced her to live with his family. Although he convinced her she has wanted to take everything she owed with them. Including the fridge. Times have been tough on her and she doesn't seem to be getting better.

"Serenity let's go. We have a lot to do."

"Like what."

"School work. You've missed a lot of school."

"Can't I just quit school and do homeschooling instead. What if I have to go back to the hospital again."

"Serenity you shouldn't think that way."

"Well I'm sorry that I'm basically dying."

"Can you stop saying that I hate it."


"Serenity please calm down. I'll ask my mom."


"For now just go to sleep. You can use my bed I'll use my futon."

"Thanks."  Erick walked out of the room to go ask his mom while Serenity got changed into joggers and a sweatshirt to sleep in. She hopped on the bed and climbed under the covers. She wrote a small note to Erick saying that she was sorry for talking so rudely to him, and that she was just a little stressed out about everything.

She set the note on his phone and went to sleep. Later that night Erick saw the note and read it. He looked at Serenity who was sleeping peacefully for the first time in weeks. He smiled and quietly said "I'm sorry and thank you."  He walked over to the futon and went to sleep.

At midnight Serenity suddenly awoke to a pain in her chest. She grasped her shirt and scrunched her face. She got out of bed and started walking to the bathroom. She didn't make it and fell but tried to fall as quietly as possible. She crawled her way to the bathroom and tried to stand up. Uselessly failing again and again she gives up and sits there grasping her shirt trying not to make noise.

Although she isn't making noise she had tears rolling down her eyes and the pain was getting unbearable. She let out a few grunt but tried to hold back as much as she could.

"Serenity, are you okay?" Erick asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. "You sound like you're in pain. Do you need help?"

"N-no. I'm fine." She grunted.

"No your not. I'm coming in whether you like it or not." He went for the door but it was locked. He walked back over to his nightstand and grabbed one of her bobby pins and picked the lock. He opened the door to find Serenity crouching down on the floor crying with pain.

"Help me me from all this pain. It hurts so much."

"I hate seeing you in pain but I don't know what to do."

"I'm dying and nobody can help me."

"I'm sorry."

"Please....please..just kill me already."

"I can't stand seeing you like this."

"I'll never survive this. Just let me die."

"I can't just leave you here. Let me go get my dad."

"No. Just wait it out."

"I can't."

"I won't forgive you."

"I'm sorry." And with that Erick ran off to his parents room rushing around and trying to do as much as he could to help her. He didn't know how long she would land in the hospital for, but he knew it would probably be sometime before she came back to there house so he made sure to pack plenty of things to entertain Serenity.

Sorry for not posting in a while. After finishing my other book I kinda took a break to relax and not be stressed by another book. Anyway I'm going to move this book along really fast so it's not going to be a very long book and will probably have around five or less chapters after this one. Hope you enjoy anyway

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