When I Was a Young Girl:Part 1

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Growing up, I had two older sisters and two older brothers. A tight knit family in which there was a sibling friend no matter where you turned. My father was a hard working man from a very young age, and he did everything in his power to provide for my mother,my siblings, and myself. Our selfless mother gave us the most precious gift in life, her undying attention and unfailing love. Without having to be enrolled in a daycare facility as a child, or  having to attend preschool programs, my mother was a stay at home mother up until the time I, the youngest of her children,  had started kindergarten. And there, on a red circle shaped carpet in a small kindergarten classroom, I professed my answer to the ever so popular kindergarten question..."What do you want to be when you grow up?" The other classmates responded with dreams of becoming astronauts, scientists, doctors and teachers. My response was nothing but the complete honesty of a six year old girl. "When I grow up I want to be...A MOM!"  I've carried this kindergarten memory with me over the years, and this statement remained the honest to God truth right up to the very moment my wish was granted at the age of twenty-seven.

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