easier said than done.

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Seulgi's mind was absolutely blank the whole car ride.

  She couldn't help but smile being surrounded by not one, but two Irenes. She admitted to herself that she felt happy being with Joohyun, talking with Joohyun, looking at Joohyun, just anything Joohyun related. Joohyun brought up the problems with Seulgi being unable to find her own house, so Yeri kindly let Seulgi stay at the second floor of the cafe. She was given a cozy little room with a mattress, dresser and small couch. The youngest kept apologizing for the room being so small but of course the bear didn't mind.

  After all, she would be seeing Irene everyday.

  Everyday, the petite girl would walk in with her makeup bag and her hair in a messy bun to make use of the cafe's free wifi to do more research on the possible pin points of the infamous Mr. Park. Everyday, Irene would wear her round, huge glasses ("Irene Potter" as the young ones would like to call her) and everyday she would insist to Seulgi with that cute embarrassed pout of hers to not look at her in such a "ugly state". As Joohyun would do her makeup, the baby bear would always sneak glances from behind her laptop screen (rented from the one and only Kim Yerim) to warm her cheeks. Yes, only to warm her cheeks.

"Seulgi~" Joy called out, wrapping her arms around the bear. Seulgi found Joy adorable and easily became friends with her. She was the perfect mix between cute and mysterious. Though Seulgi didn't know her much, she had a feeling her and Joy would become very close in the future. Kang returned her hug, turning around to give her a huge lovable squeeze.

"Joy! What's up kiddo?" Joy smiled cutely, twiddling with her fingers behind her back staring at the taller. Seulgi tried to keep in her smile but finally couldn't keep it in. She fluffed the younger's hair just to mess with her.

"I need your help! Can you come with me to the mall to buy a couple thingies?"

"Of course!" Seulgi emphasized the "course" with a higher tone to show her enthusiasm. She thought she could buy something for Irene while at the mall; Valentine's Day was coming up soon.


  Seulgi was exhausted. She never knew shopping with Sooyoung could be so life-draining despite her having such a bubbly personality. It almost felt like she was being killed.

"Seulgi~" The younger would call out. The bear, who was already piled up with bags full of who-knows-what dragged herself in the direction of Joy's voice.


"Can you help me carry this?" You've got to be kidding me, Seulgi sighed, throwing on a fake smile and nodding for Sooyoung. Instead of buying things that would benefit the shop, Joy went around snatching up clothes on sale or tried some expensive sweets for herself. Meanwhile, Seulgi was unable to breathe from being buried in all the shopping bags. So this must be what it feels like to be an aquatic animal living in the Pacific Ocean, the bear thought to herself, trying not to step on any of the bags she kept dropping. At this point, Seulgi was exhausted and frustrated. Exhausted with the fact she's been carrying Joy's stuff this whole time and frustrated that there's no opportunity for her to buy the chocolates she's been wanting to buy for Irene.

"Joy!" A familiar voiced called out. What a savior.


"Sooyoung why are you having poor Seulgi carry all your things when you could just put them in that cart over there?" The youngest gestured towards the nicely put row of blue carts to the left of them.

Sooyoung smiled sheepishly. "Oh, sorry Seul!" Sooyoung grinned to herself. She knew well enough that Seul was Irene's nickname for the bear. She just wished that Seulgi would just forget about Irene so the original three could focus on their real mission: saving Wendy. After all, if they succeed this attempt they could finally go back.

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