Unspecific Revelations.

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quick a/n I picture Sparrow as Haley Lu Richardson. Picture attatched.

"Why did I not know that I was adopted?"

I continue to stare down at the letter, willing for someone in my family to speak up. Anyone. But no one says anything, so I sigh loudly and raise my head to drift my eyes over each member of that so-called family. As I make eye contact with both of my parents and my older brother for an unmeasurable amount of time, I sigh again and speak quietly. "Someone, please. I need to know what is going on."

"I knew this day was going to come eventually." I hear my mother say with pain in her voice, but I refuse to make eye contact with her again. I only wait for her to speak more, and she does. "Sparrow you have to understand that we never wanted you to find out like this. Hell, we never wanted you to find out at all, but I suppose that was only wishful thinking." She sighs loudly, as if she was annoyed with this conversation before continuing on. "Yes, you are adopted."

She doesn't say anymore, and I can feel an angry flush move into my cheeks at her lack of care in the conversation. Not that I should be surprised, because that is how she has always been. When the conversation is one that she does not want to have, or does not deem appropriate, she shuts down. But she is out of luck this time, because I am not going to allow her to back out of this.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Karen, but I hope you don't really think that is enough to satisfy my curiosity. After all I am you're daught- well maybe I'm not." I snarl at her, not even trying to reign in my temper.

She glares at me, an equally burning temper rising into her face and showing in her brown eyes. "Do not speak to me that way Sparrow. I am still your mother and I will be treated with respect. Now, that is going to be the end of that."

"Oh, thats just rich. You mean, like the respect you showed for me when you lied about who I am for 18 years? You have got to be kidding me. You do know that respect is earned, right? What have you done to deserve my respect?" I spit back at her. Not caring that my older brother and father are looking at me in shock and awe.

My mother heaves another loud sigh before saying, "Now you listen right now Sparrow Parker, we are your family and WE took you in, WE put a roof over your heard, WE feed you and cloth you, and the least you could do is show your damn appreciation!"

I laugh bitterly and shake my head before looking straight in her eyes and I am about to tell her what she can do with her appreciation before my brother interrupts. "Sparrow why don't we take the rest of your grad gifts upstairs and finish opening them together. I think we all just need to calm down a little and take a breather." I give him a hmpf because he sounds like a damn family counselor, but I guess thats not a bad thing considering that is what he is going to school for. I look at him and nod my head to tell him that I agree with him. We excuse ourselves as quickly as we can and rush upstairs to my room.

For some reason, the bedroom that I have slept in for the last 18 years of my life feels foreign to me, like it belongs to another person entirely.

Is everything going to feels like this now? Like the person that I have been in my life up til this point, is a stranger. Like the person I have become since finding out that I was not Sparrow Parker, but Sparrow Sawyer, is an entirely foreign person to me.


I did not leave my room for nearly 2 days after the fight with my mother, that I like to call the mother/daughter meltdown of the century. But, little by little, we moved on from it.

I did end up contacting Angel's lawyer, Franklin Moore, and claiming my inheritance, but I never did pursue the woman who gave birth to me. I just thought it would be better for my family life if I let the matter go, because it put a real strain on my father. Shortly after I received the letter, my father developed a stress disorder that put a strain on his heart, so I dropped it for his sake. I did't want any other stress to be put on him.

It's been almost 2 years since the letter changed my life, but I am doing okay. I'm in university, wrapping up an associates degree in communication, and considering ripping my hair out because it is exams time.

Life is going great.

Or at least it was. Until my father died.


After the shock of my fathers death, came the painful reality of his funeral and the harshness of knowing that he is never coming back. It was so hard, but somehow I made it through.

My mother, however, was a completely different story. She insisted that she could not live in our family home anymore, that we needed to help her pack, and that she had to go. She was a mess, but I didn't blame her. Instead of fighting her, my brother Liam and I began to help her pack up the house. And we didn't stop for almost a complete 24 hours, but the reason we stopped wasn't from exhaustion or because we were hungry, though we were both of those things, no we stopped because I came across a very familiar letter.

The letter that had turned my world upside down 2 years before, that I thought had been lost or thrown away, but I instead found hidden in my mothers jewelry box.

"What the hell is this?" I yelled, enraged that this letter had revealed something else my mother had hidden from me for now 20 years. Her lack of honestly and integrity.

Okay guys thanks for reading. If you did not notice in the chapter, there is a 2 year time jump so she went from 18 to 20 years old. And yes, her brothers name is Liam, but obviously not Liam Payne because his last name is Parker, so don't judge me. If you enjoyed this please comment or vote or share.


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