#2 the concert

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Sara's pov:
So earlier today Sammy texted me that Shawn Mendes is having a concert tonight in Toronto and she got us vip passes super excited so now I get out my outfit I'm wearing ripped baggy jeans rolled up at the bottom striped white and blue shirt and white converse Sammy is wearing a black dress with lace in the outside and maroon slip on vans

TO Sammy: yeah supper excited

FROM Sammy: you don't seem excited

TO Sammy: no, I am it's just ugh.. Toronto is 2 hours away and it's 4 if we wanna make it there in time we have to leave at 5

FROM Sammy: yeah your right but we should leave now so we can listen to both albums the whole way there

TO Sammy: really if you want to the earlier we get there the better get dressed then we'll get snacks and go

FROM Sammy: Ok cool

So I get dressed out on some make up just the basics and wait for Sammy in the living room
"Hey Sammy your ready!" I tell because it's already 4:52
"Yeah hear I come" she says runny down stairs with her shoes in her hand
We get In the car and the whole way I mean THE WHOLE WAY THERE we Listen to Shawn Mendes sing not skipping one song
"Don't be a fool and wait on me darling because you'll find a man who will be there for youuu" Sammy sings in my ear
"Sammy stop turn it down to we are almost there just 20 more minutes"

*at the venue*
We get there show our tickets somehow Sammy got front row i have no idea how we get to this room where fans ask question and he answers after that we meet him and then watch the show we get there we are in the 3 row of the room to ask question Sammy asked about 3 question "how did you get the scar, what's your favorite color, what does your hair feel like"
Weird question but it's finally over and we get inline to meet him I feel myself getting nervous I have no idea why there are 4 people in front of use now We've been waiting for like 6277666 hours because Sammy wanted to go last so we get there he's already pretty worn out so we don't scream in his face
"Hey I'm Shawn what's your names" Shawn asked us with a very beautiful smile
"Hey I'm Sara and this is Sammy" I smile and say because Sammy could barely speak
"Nice to meet you you are two very beautiful girls" he says and Sammy is literally dying at this point
"Thanks." I saw awkwardly because kind of a weird think to say I think but I look him in the eyes and he looks me in the eyes and he's very beautiful nicely shaped face not too much jaw line no too much smile just enough like he trying to charm me and his beautiful brown eyes looking lingo my hazel eyes makes me swoon
"Haha you guys want a picture?"
He asked
"She does I'm just her for motel support"I say "I'll take the picture"
I take the picture of them and we ask where to go because we've been there with him for awhile a forgotten where to go
"What are your seats" he asked
"Front and Center" I say

"Follow me" he says we go to this different way kind of backstage and we see the stage I think are we gonna go on the stage I hope not that would be pretty crazy
He takes us down the stair to where the seats are and then we are going down girls scream because they see him wit use he touches my back and helps me down I lol back and Smile and say our goodbyes
Girls are looking at us and screaming whispering they know Shawn I laugh at the sounds it's pretty funny when they do that

As we are watching the show he looks our way a long while singing a lyrics from his handwriting album be looks at me
"I keep craving craving you don't know it but it's true can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you"
I just smile and give a thumbs up he chucked at it as he was singing and about to go to the next song he says a special guest will be coming he starts singing mercy a very good song and when I see him my heart stops it's ed Sheeran on stage with him singing I freak out and putt out my phone the one thing I record tonight I'm literally shaking
"ED ED I LOVE YOU" I tell he looks and smiled I literally die at that moment and can't believe that happens he was there singing with him

Once the show is over we leave the way came in Sammy saying it would be fine so I just follow her and down the hall I see ed and I take off towards him leaving Sammy
"OMG Hey ed can I take a picture with you" i literally scram
"Yeah sure I can take one with you" as I take the picture I see Shawn come out of a room walk towards us
"Thanks you so much" I say and walk away but I feel I and kn my shoulder turn around and see Shawn I smile
"Hey" he says smiling
"Hey Shawn" I say kinda awkwardly
" hey Sara right I was just wondering if I could get your number" he rubs the back of his neck and my heart is beating out of control

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