#3 messages

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Unknown number- Hey Sara

Sara- Hey stranger...who is this

Unknown number- oh haha it's me Shawn

Sara- oh hey I didn't think you'll text me

Shawn- why not I asked for your number and I really like you well like to talk to you

Sara- yeah haha so what's up

Shawn- uh. Nothing I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out

Sara- I don't live in Toronto im all the way In Ottawa

Shawn- oh really I can make a drive up there I just wanna talk to you with out screaming fans

Sara- yeah that would be nice but. lol remember my roommate is a crazy fan

Shawn- I can sneak in your room so that she doesn't see me

Sara- ok ha sound cool my address is 155 maple street text me when your here oh and park your car on the street

Shawn- ok cool I'll see you soon babe

Shawn Mendes is coming to my house never thought that would ever happen this is crazy so I clean up a little my room and the bathroom i find something to where my Nike shorts and my gray champion sweatshirt and some fuzzy socks I go down stairs and make some cereal because it is 10am in the morning while eating I get a text from my best friend Chris

Chrissy Pooh- Hey saraaaaaa

Sara- Hey Chrissy Pooh what's up

Chrissy Pooh- not much I wanted to know if I can come over

Sara- uh not now I have someone coming over soon

Chrissy Pooh- who Mariana

Sara- no I can't tell you who or else you won't believe me or you will and you'll tell Sammy

Chrissy pooh- OMG is it like your crush her crush but why wouldn't I believe you

Sara- he's kinda big news....

Chrissy Pooh- ohh how big of news

Sara- he has 2 Albus kind of news

Chrissy Pooh- saraaa what your telling me this person is big time famous your right I don't believe you I'm coming over now

Sara- Chris no
Sara- Chris please don't come
Sara- Chris I swear don't come 🤦🏽‍♂️

So I get a text from Shawn he's here so I tell he to go to the back of the house in front of my window a d he climbs in
"Hey" I say with a smile
"Hey nice room"
"Thanks" now we are just sitting in my bed in awkward silence

"So umm I came here because I want to go on a-"
At that moment he was cut off  y Chris bragging into my room when he sees me with Shawn his eyes go wide and shuts the door and locks and
"Sara!" Chris yells
" Chris shut up" I say covering his mouth with my hand

"Uh hi" Shawn says awkwardly
" hey Shawn this is Chris my friend and he came here uninvited I'm so sorry" I saw with An angry face
"Oh it's cool nice to meet you Chris". Ow we are all just standing In My room very uncomfortable no one says nothing for about 5 minutes until Chris talks

"So i guess I'll go this is more awkward then I thought it would be"he says while walking out of the room and I go over a close the door and lock it
"Sorry about that's but bevor we were intruded you were gonna say something" I say tucking hair behind my ear
" uh it was nothing it's fine I should go I'll text you okay?" He's says with dad eyes
" you don't have to go I'm sorry I really am I didn't think this would happened pease stay" I say not wanting him to leave I go over and hug him he hugs back and we just stand there hugging swaying back and fourth to the Jazz music playing in the background

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