Chapter 2: Did You Just Cough Up Blood?

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All That Remains ~ Two Weeks

❝Did you just cough up blood?!❞

The brown haired saint looked at his partner. "Uh," he started to say weakly. He wanted to hide it best he can, but he knew Shion will see it sooner or later.

Trying to hide the fact that he cough up so much blood. He looked weak and needed to be checked up on. ❛How long can he pull this strong act, while he's like this?❜ A bit disgusted and concerned.

❝You got blood dripping from your mouth.❞ The blonde haired saint pointed out.

Dohko cleaned the blood from his mouth and acted normal. "I'll be okay," he says he knew someone got him, but decided not to reveal it, not yet anyway. His body language betrayed him to his boyfriend.

I'll be okay, alright. You don't look okay to me.❜ He so badly wanted to shout those thoughts at his boyfriend, just to knock some sense into him. He really gets tired of him trying to keep strong while he's in this condition. It worries him and frustrates him.

❝I'm not really sure I believe that.❞ He replied in a concerned tone.

Dohko chuckles lightly and went to take a shower. Seems someone went ahead and did some magic could be a god or one of the judges.

He didn't want to worry Shion more than he already is. He did ask to go alone on the mission before he got like this.

Sat down behind the shower door. Having his face in his hands, deepen in thought. A long sigh came from his mouth. Hearing the water run, he lifted his head up. Not deciding to peek. ❝Well, if you need anything. I'm here.❞ While he waited him till he was finished with his shower.

"Thank you my love," Dohko called out as he shower. He looked himself over and touch some areas and slightly wince.
'wonder what was that,' he to himself when he let the shower run for a bit before turning it off.

❝Welcome, love.❞ He called out, while heading out of the bathroom. Thinking long and hard, he was getting concerned and worried. Though he knows the main reason he does that, was to not get all worried. But nonetheless it still makes him worried. He wished he can at least tell him he is hurt. Instead of hiding it the way he do. Would help ease the worriness away. Or so he thinks.

Dohko turn off the shower and dried his hair. He felt again the urge of coughing but hold it in as he slightly lean on the shower wall.

He stayed like that for a second before he got out. His eyes have a sort off glaze look to them.

Waiting for his lover to come out of the bathroom, he went to go look for some help, even if his boyfriend is hiding it. It bothers him enough to let it stay that way. Plus, something doesn't seem right, either. ❛Better get someone, there's got to be something that can be done.❜

Dohko laid on the bed almost asleep not knowing his boyfriend is finding someone to heal him on whatever he was hiding from the rest. He tried to relax, but winced slightly, again.

The only one whom he can go to help his boyfriend, is Athena. She probably knew, or probably not. But someone had to send him out there to do this mission. He shrugged and his shook his head and go to where he usually meets Athena.

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