You can't lie

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A/n: girl laso you


Night had fallen on the village wonder women had just saved her and her lover strolled hand in hand along the beach Your coat hung around her broad shoulders. But your mind was elsewhere earlier that day you caught Steve Trever checking her out and it absolutely enraged you. Diana had noticed your distance and stopped walking.

Di:"is everything alright love" you intertwine both hands together and swayed

Y/n:"Yes everything is fine" you smile fakely it was everything but fine earlier you had caught  Steve checking out Diana and it enraged you.

Di:"You are not being truthful," she says eyeing you   

Y/n:"What do you mean everything is fine" she pulls you closer by your ascot on your neck, you avoid her eyes. You felt a burning sensation wrap around your midsection you looked down and saw the laso of truth wrapped around you tightly. Diana forced your eyes to hers

Di:"Now I'm going to ask again is everything, alright love"

Damn it

Y/n:"no it's not I caught Steve Trever checking you out and it enraged me. He knows we're together but that didn't stop him" you cry out causing the rope to burn even more she looks at you puzzled.

Di:"Why does this bother you so much you know I'm yours" you choke down your word but her peering gaze and the burning of the rope overpowered you and you scream.

 Y/n:" BECAUSE I LOVE YOU" you shout her face freezes and the laso loosens and you calm down.

Y/n:"because I love you" she pulls you in once again by your ascot and captures your lips in a kiss, you kiss her back and feel the laso fall to the sand you grab her by the waist and pull her closer to you and put your all into the kiss, you both break the kiss to breathe she rests her forehead on yours and the cool metal of her crown calmed you.

Di:"I love you too" you smile and you kiss again a short and sweet one.

Y/n:"Did you have to use the laso of truth on me"

Di:"I got my answer didn't I" you take her hand and start walking again

Y/n:"Yeah, yeah" you both laugh and continue walking down the beach peacefully 


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