You wash up on her island

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A/n: she saves you from the waves

No One's POV:

Several large pieces of wood washed up on the shore of the Amazons' island. Diana watched curiously as the debris floated on the surface of the water but something caught her eye. A large piece of wood thrashed in the water but something else was on it but Diana couldn't make it out all she saw was white fabric curiosity got the better of her and she jumped down from her spot and walked on the beach. As she got closer to the shore she could now make out what the white fabric was it was a shirt on the body of a woman, Diana panicked and jumped into the choppy water she swam to save the girl grabbing the chunk of wood she was on and swimming to shore.

Y/n's Pov:

Swirls of light fill my vision and the sweet smell of a summer breeze fill my nostrils I open my eyes and see a vision of women she had long black hair and grey-brown eyes she looks down at me and smiles I smile back at the women she must be some sort of angel right? There is no way a woman this beautiful could ever exist on earth. A huge wave of pain hits me and I groan loudly the women must have heard me because I felt her pick up speed before I blackout.

I wake up a while later and now I was in some sort of room, my coat had been removed and a large bandage of some sort covered my torso. My white shirt had been ripped and barely hung on my body when my vision cleared I saw the same women from my vision sitting at the end of the bed.

Di:"You are very lucky to have survived" she looked up and straight into my e/c eyes, I saw the glint of my dog tags in her eyes she looks down and grabbed the dangling tags and stares down at them curiously. Her slender fingers trace over my name.

Di:"Y/ln Y/fn positive A (name of a base)" I feel bold and place my hand's on top of hers, she looks up at me shyly.

Y/n:"who are you," I ask quietly

Di:" Diana" I raised her hand and kissed her knuckle

Y/n:"Thank you, Diana" I let go of her hand and lean back in the bed, she hides her face from me so I knew she was blushing I stifled my smile she suddenly rose abruptly from her spot.

Di:"I should let you rest, I will be back in a little to check on you" and with those final words she left the room. I sigh and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.


W.W imagines and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now