Chapter 6

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"You're going out now?" Emma's voice was aghast, watching wordlessly as Charlotte pulled a rough woolen coat over the tunic. It was so long it reached her knees, covering most of her shape and silhouette when she buttoned it up. Reaching for the newsboy hat that was patched and frayed, a keepsake from Elle's days in the rookeries, she tucked her curled golden brunette locks underneath it, and jammed it tightly over her head, before turning around with a flourish to grin at her lady's maid, who just gave her a skeptical once-over.

"What?" Charlotte asked, genuinely curious to know if something was seriously wrong with her outfit.

"It's dark out, my lady. What if-"

"It's not like I haven't done it before!" Charlotte waved off, grabbing an old pair of slippers. Sadly, she didn't fit in her brother's shoes, and Elle's old rookery slippers were too worn out, but Charlie was hoping her long pants would cover the obvious giveaway. "Harold's downstairs waiting for me with Zenya. I'll be back before you know it."

"Do be careful."

Charlotte gave Emma a comforting hug, and then slipped out. Once again, she thanked heavens for Aunt Florence's bad ear and the fact that the Rothesay townhouse was huge enough for her to be roomed in an entirely different wing then her aunt. Creeping out was not much of an issue, and Harold just gave her a knowing look as he handed her the reins to a warmed up Zenya, a young but sprightly chestnut throughbred mare that was a gift to her from Fabian after Fannie had succumbed to old age.

Zenya was young, and made quick work of the route between the Rothesay townhouse to the main area, where the Museum was located. Why did she pick the dead of the night? Well, it was supposed to be a quick couple of hours journey from Kensington to London, but she was delayed when Fabian received a distress call from the House. Charlotte rushed all the way there only to find out Marian and Fiona were panicking over the logistics of a small trip they had planned for the kid's day out.

And then, after she's returned to Kensington for the midday meal and was just about to get on the carriage, they discovered there was a broken axle on the carriage. By the time they had managed to set off, it was late noon, and Fabian wasn't at all happy at her travelling so late at night. But Charlotte was insistent that she returned, so it wasn't like Fabian had much choice in the matter once his headstrong sister got her mind to it.

By the time they had arrived in London, dusk was beginning to crawl it's way across the golden sky, and Charlotte had all but scarfed down her dinner before wanting to head out again. Emma had been horrified, but Charlotte had never let what other's thought bothered her before.

It was what he had taught her, after all.

Pulling Zenya to a stop as the tall corner building that was the Museum loomed into view, it's lights dim and flickering in the night as shadows made their way in and out. The last ball had wound down not too long ago, and whoever that was left were likely either husbands who sought a respite from their wives, or single men seeking companions for the night. Suddenly, Charlotte had to swallow a lump that had formed in her throat. Hadn't she always been fearless in the face of these situations? What had happened now? Why did her hands suddenly feel so clammy?

Securing the chestnut mare to a nearby post before she wandered nearer to the darkened silhouette of the Museum, Charlotte frowned when her sharp eyes caught a shadowed figure two floors above the ground. Her brows immediately furrowed. She knew there was no reason for anyone to be so high above ground, especially when all the chimney sweeps and window cleaners only worked in daylight.

Still curious, Charlotte cautiously moved across the empty street, eyes never straying from the figure which now slowly inched his or her way across the roof tiles, almost slipping a few times if Charlotte could guess from their jerky movements. They didn't look too big - was this part of what Elle and Fabian had gotten themselves messed up in?

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