Chapter 8 // trusting you

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Quote of the day- its going to be hard but hard is not impossible


I woke up on the couch, I turn my phone on to see it was 3am I was about to get up to go to my bed until I felt an arm around me tighten, I turn my head around to see a sleeping Jack laying next to me, I rest my head on the pillow fell back asleep.


I woke up to clicking noises, my eyes slowly opening to see Zach and Corbyn standing in front of me with there phones. "you fucking idiot you woke them with your phone noise" Corbyn says to Zach. I lightly hit jack on the cheek so I can wake him up and chase after these two idiots in front of me. I get Jack awake and I jump off the couch going after Zach first. he runs into the back yard and I run after him. I caught up to him and I tackled him to the ground stealing his phone whilst I was sat on top of him tucking it in my pocket and going for Corbyn. I get into the house and spot him in the kitchen laughing at Zach "oh shit" Corbyn says as he sees me walking into the house. Corbyn runs for the stairs and I run after him, catching him as he got on the bottom step, I tackle him, and he collides with the tiled floor. I grab his phone as well putting it in my pocket and going to the couch. I open Zach phone first and I delete the photos on it. "Can I have my phone back now" Zach says just as I finished, I hand over his phone and open Corbyn's phone doing the same and handing it back to him. "That was the best thing I've seen all morning" Jack says coming to sit next to me on the couch. I give him a smile before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a glass from the cupboard. "we are going to the grove today Chlo do you wanna come" Daniel asks me, I nod my head and walk up stairs to get ready. 


30 minutes later all the boys and I meet downstairs to go to the grove. I walk outside to the car followed by them all. We all got into the car and drove off. When we got there I jumped out of the car and followed the boys. "ok so meet you guys back here in 3 hours" Jonah says walking off with Corbyn to a shoe shop. "what do you guys wanna do" Jack asks "I want clothes" Zach whines, Daniel agrees with Zach and leaves me and Jack standing there. "so.. what do you wanna do" he asks me I pull out my phone since I forgot my notepad typing the word 'starbucks??' Jack reads it and laughs "typical" I smile at him and nod my head looking back down at my phone typing the words 'I know right' 


Me and Jack spent the whole day just us two, it was actually a lot of fun. We were in h&m talking, well Jack talking and I was typing when I felt someone else standing next to us, I look up to see Ashley, what the fuck was she doing in LA. "Oh look it's the mute freak" she looking at me "and a really hot guy, why are you talking to her" she says looking over to Jack, I go to walk away until Ashley pushes me into a clothes rack. "what the fuck is wrong with you" Jack yells, "me there's nothing wrong with me, but there must be something wrong with you to be hanging around mute freak here" she says looking back at me.


Jack's POV

me and Chloe were hanging out in h&m, i felt someone else presences next to us, I looked over thinking it was one of the boys, I instead see a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, "oh look it's the mute freak" she says looking down at Chloe. "and a really hot guy, why are you talking to her" she says look at me. Chloe goes to walk away and this chick pushed her into the clothing rack next to her "what the fuck is wrong with you" I hissed at her, why do some people have to be so rude, like wow Chloe is mute, doesn't mean people have to treat her like shit. she says something but I wasn't paying much attention to her "she's not a fucking freak to bad she doesn't talk shit happens" I hiss back at this chick. "I bet she never told you why she became mute" she says with a smirk on her face "mute freak over there killed someone" she says I look at Chloe and her eyes were filled with tears, I didn't know whether or not to believe this random chick.


Chloe's POV

I look up at Jack and he looks so confused, Of course the story gets even more twisted than before, Jack goes to say something but ashley walks off, he then looks at me "is she telling the truth" Jack asks me almost in tears, I shake my head "I don't fucking now what to believe" Jack shouts, I know he's never going to believe me so there was no point in me trying, I just turn around and run out of the shop, I continue to, I get to a curb and sit down, I order an uber back to the house and wait for it. The car finally arrives, I get in and we just sat there in comfortable silence. I get back to the house go straight to my room locking my door and falling to the floor, my phone at this point is going off.

Daniel: where the hell are you, I'm worried Chloe

Daniel: Chloe are you ok, Jack won't talk to us what happened

Daniel: Chloe please message me back I'm getting worried.

Chloe: I'm fine Daniel I got an uber back home

Daniel: ok I'll be back soon

Chloe: ok

I just sat on my bed crying until I heard a knock outside my room, I got up and unlocked it and slightly opening it. I go and sit back on my bed pulling my knees towards my chest. "Chloe what happened" Daniel asks me wrapping his arms around me, I pull my legs down to the side of the bed hugging Daniel back crying into his chest. We let go of the hug and I grab my book out of my bedside table, I write down what happened, "you gonna have to tell Jack what happened Chlo, I know you don't like telling people you don't trust but your just gonna have to trust him before he actually does believe it" I nod my head and look down at the ground, "I'll go get Jack" Daniel walks away and Jack comes up and sits next to me but leaving a massive gap between us, I just look down at the floor. and then my eyes trace to the notebook sitting on my right, I felt Daniel's presence in the room and then I heard a fake cough slip out of his mouth. I look back at the notebook and pull out a loose sheet of paper with what happened to Sophia on it. I slowly placed it into Jack's hand keeping a tight grip on it, Daniel fake coughed again and I let it go. "thank you I'm off now, bye" Daniel says before walking out of my room. I look at the floor whilst Jack reads the paper, "I'm so sorry Chloe" Jack says catching my attention, I look up at him and then back down at the ground, jack puts his pointer finger under my chin and lifts my head up so I'm looking at him, he wipes the tears that are slowly falling down my cheeks he then looks down at my lips and slowly leaning in...


1343 words

Authors note

sorry recently I have been on bad writers block but heres the new chapter... hope you enjoy :))

22 March 2018

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