Welcome To Korea

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Chapter 2

Welcome To Korea

Lee Jin Ra

"Lee, Lee. Wake up. The plane's landing to Korea in 15 minutes. I think you should get ready to see it's wonder" a boy shook my shoulders and I just muttered, "Go away, Kevin". He stopped bothering me for a few minutes and I remembered something. Kevin is on Canada and I'm on my way to Korea. Freaking dumb me.

I groggily rubbed my eyes and I faced the poor boy in front of me. "I'm sorry Chanyeol. I just thought you're my annoying best friend in Canada. I must've been dreaming, haha" I weakly said to him and he grinned. "It's all right Lee! Besides, I can be your best friend in Korea... I'm not suggesting, I'm stating it" he seriously said and I laughed. "Of course, whatever you say must be done" I winked at him and I think I just saw him blush. How cute... Wait! Did I just flirt with a stranger?!. Oh God, what is happening to me?!.

"Here" he handed me his phone. "What am I gonna do with this?" I dumbly asked and he looked at me in amusement. "Give me your number so we can be in touch" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well, I'm sorry for being such a slow poke!. I put my phone number on it and I don't even know why I'm doing it.

Don't trust strangers, mom and dad always tell me and here I am being a bad ass kid. He looks trustworthy anyways plus he has the looks! Yep, I'm being judgemental here. You can't always live in a life like an angel, you have to be a bad girl too.

"Here's mine" I handed him my phone which he gladly took. I studied him starting from his to his toes and I couldn't help but smile at his adorable self. He is cute, funny, and gullible. Yep, the exact opposite of Kevin but both sure are cocky. "Done cheking me out, now?" he winked at me. Told you so.

"Oh please!  as if I'm going to that'll be too disgusting" I scrunched up my nose. I'm such a great actress. I know. "Hey! You're so mean to my ego!" he scowled and I laughed. Gosh, he reminds me of Kevin so much that it hurts to think that we're seperated already. "Yeah and I care because?" I retorted. "Because you like me!" he stated and I raised my hands up in surrender. Wow, straight forward much?.

"I never said that I like you, you know. so calm your pants down" I said and he frowned. Gosh, his cuteness will be the death of me. "After I've been so nice to you, you're being mean to me?! You're sooo bad!" he pouted and I just pinched his chubby cheeks. "You're so cute! Don't ever pout like that, okay?! 'cause that'll surely be my no.1 weakness!" I said to him as I pinched his cheeks harder. "Don't also use that pout to make me agree on your stuffs 'cause this sad thing will happen, okay?" I innocently asked him and he nodded. I let go of his cheeks and he glared at me.

"짜증나는 여자(annoying girl) " he muttered and I gasped at what he described me."나는 얻을 것을(I get that)"  I scowled and he smirk. "Good. At least you know you're annoying now" I glared at him and he just innocently smiled at me. Damn this boy. "Whatever" I muttered as I took away my phone from his grasp.

"By the way, what school are you going to attend in Korea?" he asked and I thought about it. Oh yeah, I still have school. Oops, I forgot. "I don't know. I just moved in so how the heck do you think I would know?!" I shrugged and he shook his head at my manners. "You're quite interesting you know. I think that we're going to be creating a very good friendship" he winked at me and I chuckled. "Of course we will" I winked back.

When we finally landed in Korea, we're both in silence. A comfortable one, I may add. "So see you around, Meanie?" he smirked at the nickname he gave me and I chuckled. "We sure will, my giant elf" I grinned. We both stared at each for a moment and then we laughed at our silliness. "Don't miss me too much, okay?" he said and I just shook my head. "Oh and before I go, I just want to say...한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다(Welcome To Korea), Lee Jin Ra" and then he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2014 ⏰

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