8: Fireworks

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The next day

When Sans had kissed me it was amazing and it had set fireworks of in my stomach but unfortunately everything comes to an end, this goes the same with a kiss though i don't think Sans heard the click of a camera but when i asked him about it he said nothing and just looked at me,'what is going on'. That question was answered for me later that night. "Hello beauties and gentle beauties tonight dont I have some good gossip for you. Here is a photo of Sans the skeleton and Y/N the human kissing while this witness named Papyrus took the photo and sent it to us almost immedeiantly, whoever can brig this human to me will receive a hefty reward. That's all for tonight stay beautiful!" With that the screen then returned to a normal show and I looked at Sans and Papyrus in hurt, Sans looked at me then sighed he looked as if he was going to say something and Papyrus just left to the kitchen so I went out of the door and looked around the town for a bit before going to a new plaace where I hope that good things will happen to me.

A few hours later

I have been walking around for hours and there is still no sign of anything. A couple minutes later I saw a sentry post and I saw Sans at it and my heart jumped knowing i wouldn't be able to sneak past him. I sighed and marched forward getting ready to teleport if i needed to, "Y/N I've been looking for you everywhere ease come back to the house we nth really miss you!!" He begged and begged but I kept walking forward and straight past him without a glance and I could see his grin falter a little. I sighed and went into a small cave as I was getting very tired and wanted to sleep for a little bit before having to walk some more just to find somewhere were I could live and forget about everything that has happened so far. I made a blanket and pillow and drifted of to sleep.

The next mornin

When i woke up i was in a cage of some sort and started to panic. I closed my era hoping who ever had put me here didn't know I woke up but when I heard the robotic voice i knew exactly who it was and where I was was and what was about to happen to me. There was one question though 'who found and brought me here?"

Another chapter done yay. See ya

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