Chapter 3 (Kelvin)

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"No! Fuck it, your actually going to expel me for defending myself? I'm tired of the bullshit he's been doing this for months!" Kelvin shouted at the head principal.

"Now now Kelvin you can stop shouting, it's final. You made the poor guy's nose bleed."

"Fuck you Henry," Kelvin said while standing up and walking out the door. "I fucking stand up for my self and the other girl and now I end up here. Ohh how much more I could do to Laken, he better hope I never see him again," he muttered  while walking out the door towards the parking lot.

He sat down on the bench and pulled out his journal since he has an hour an a half before his mother gets here.

"Well, I have a interesting story to tell you today. Today I got in my first fight at school, and sadly I really enjoyed it. How the blood would splatterd onto my face every punch I took. So here's what happen.

I was walking down the hall as usual and I still haven't finish Laken's fake Id.  I told him I'd do it without charge if he would stop bulling me. He laughed and said sure. So I walk passed the boys bathroom, and that's when Laken grab me by my shirt. "What do you want now," I shouted.

"Where's the thing?" He shouted while his spit splashed onto my face.

"I haven't had time to finis..."

"When are you going to fucking finish it. Do you want to go back in the toilet again. I swea..."

That's when he got cut off by a sweet girls voice. He was laughing at her while her voice started to go very low. I wasn't able to make up the words. Though it pissed me off she ran away crying while Laken and his buddies were laughing.

I slamed my head forward into his and he started to stumble back. I glance over at Clayton and he just backed up. "You know Laken, I could handle my self when you did that shit to me but to a sweet girl, you're stupid.

I swung my fist into his jaw and he stumbled back. I pushed him down and climbed on top of him. I had been waiting for this so long. I started to throw my fist into his face until a couple of guys pulled me off.

So yeah that's what happen. Now I'm here sitt..."

"Are you okay," a soft voice ask Kelvin.

Kelvin shut his book and glance up at the same girl from earlier. She was so beautiful Kelvin never saw anyone as beautiful as she was.

"Yeah, I'm good," Kelvin replied.

"Oh, ok that's good," she said while putting her stuff on the bench and sat beside him.

"So I was just wondering why was Laken holding you up by your shirt earlier. He's usually so nice and cha.."

"I dare you to finish that sentence," Kelvin hissed, wondering if he could bash her face in until its not pretty anymore.

"I'm sorry,"

"What's your name," Kelvin ask trying to change the topic.

"Im Luno, you?"

"Kelvin," he replied and grabs his stuff while noticing the same green trashy car pull into the parking lot. He nodded his head at her and made his way towards the car.

He opened the door and prepared for what his mother had to say. He sat down and looked at her. She didn't even look in his direction. She put the car in drive and started to pull away from the school.

"Mom, I'm sorr.."

"Kelvin, I really don't want to hear it, just know I want you out of my house by 7 in the morning." She replied.

Kelvin wasn't even about to argue he notice the calmness of her voice.

"Where am I suppose to go?"

"Not my problem."

Kelvin puffed and lean back into his seat. "Maybe, I could go to dad's abandoned farm," he thought.

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