Blood Drive in Arabic

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This dream contains some light nsfw content so if you don't want to read anything remotely related to sex, skip this dream.

I was with Alex (my girlfriend) and Claire, the girl that sits next to me in band and we were walking around some kind of cul de sac with a bunch of houses and apparently alex had her own. So Claire was talking about how she thought we should all donate blood to find out our blood type and I was like NO NONO NO NONO NO NO NO NO AND ALSO NO NO NO
and she was like "no it's fine" and then we went down to the blood donation table and she signed me up and i was like WHAT THE HELL!? and she was like "Don't worry I'll be doing it so it's fine" and I was pissed so she took me to this house that was apparently the arabic club? idk and there was this guy making chocolate and I was like "I want white chocolate" and all of the sudden Claire was Liz and she was like "We can manifest that" and i was like um????? so anyway I had to tell the club that I was apparently in that I was not, in fact, arabian, and that would postpone my blood drawing for a week. So the guy hands me this card with a bunch of check boxes on it and he started asking me personality questions like "are you outgoing, shy, ebolic (which apparently meant you had ebola?) or avoiding my stare out of embarrassment?" and i was like "shy" and he proceeded to tell me that if he though you were ebolic you would look like you were on drugs apparently. And then liz turned into finn and we were at finn's house thing and finn's boyfriend was there and apparently we were gonna have a three way and I was trying to put this sticker on his doodle that was some kind of condom? And i was like "i don't think this would be very effective" so I was given a red condom and I tried to put it on him oh also it was dark and anyway he was like here so he put it on himself but it was like a balloon and it kept inflating and glowing? idk and then i turned to finn and was like "Wait I never asked alex if this was okay" and finn was like "no it was okay ever since you kissed him" and i was like i didn't kiss him? and also nope so I ran away and ran to alex's house where Ella erb was sitting in the kitchen and I called for Alex and she was holding a bunch of costumes and was like "where were you!??" and i brought her to her bedroom and started to tell her the whole story, and i had gotten to the part about the arabic club but someone climbed in through her window and was like "sorry there were no other seats" and we looked outside and saw that there was an edgar allen poe band playing out there but it was the arabic club? and i was like dang shouldn't have left the club and then i woke up

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