Chapter 1

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Hey there & welcome if you're reading! This isn't a spectacular first chapter but bare with me i have some unique ideas up my sleeve for these two underrated characters. Hope you enjoy :)

Toni Topaz's initial reaction to her highschool being shutdown was complete dismay. There would no longer be a place to fill her head with the knowledge she found in books, no more writing for the Red and Black and no more lunches with her friends Fangs, SweetPea and Jughead.

However, soon after learning of her transfer to Riverdale high, Toni was elated. She was finally given a legitimate opportunity to further her studies and make something of herself; something unaffiliated with gangs, drugs and violence. All of which she was familiar with back at the Southside.

Toni glanced at the time—11:54 PM. She let her eyelids droop and sleep took her away.


"Stand down Eva Peròn" Cheryl Blossom stated, as she dramatically descended the stairs of Riverdale High, her entourage at her heels.

"Listen up Ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with, underachievers. So please, do us all a favour and find some other school to deface with your, hard scrap aways." Cheryl continued.

Astounded and quite frankly offended, Toni was quick to rebuttal as she stepped forward defensively. "Why dont you come over here and say that to my face"

"Happy to, Queen of the Buskers"

The interaction was cut short as Archie Andrews steps in.

Both Toni and Cheryl eye eachother down in silence, shooting daggers at one another from where they stand.

To Toni's relief , the principal, Mr Weatherbee as she shortly learnt appeared in the hallway and shooed everyone to class. She could only hope that her first day got better.


It's as if she was cursed. Toni's week only derailed further and she was soon wishing she could return to the comfort of Southside High. With the Serpents being banned from wearing any gang related attire, to the Pickens Day March it was one bad thing after the other.

As much as she hated all these changes, the clothing in particular, she knew she had to be the one to keep her fellow Southside High friends spirits high. So she pushed aside her resentment to Reggie and Principal Weatherbee and pretended to love the Riverdale High school uniform in hopes of showing her friends it wasn't that bad.

The week had ended on a bad note and Jughead took it upon himself to treat his friends to some classic Pop's diners milkshakes. He set a time and location for SweetPea, Fangs and Toni to meet himself, his girlfriend Betty Cooper and their good friend Kevin Keller.


7 PM. The petite girl retracted her head from her phone and squinted as the bright neon lights made it hard to see. Pop's Diner. Well she certainly wasnt in the wrong place.

She strolled to the doors and pushed, struggling a little as her small frame was no where near the size of the entrance. As she entered the premises she searched around the area for any sign of the people she knew would be coming tonight. She saw no one. Wondering what she should do next, Toni decided to just read the menu from where she was standing.

Others entered the diner, but Toni was too focused on all the milkshakes listed to notice.

"Move Cha Cha", a shrill voice commanded behind her, causing Toni to snap back into reality.

Toni grimaced to herself before turning around. There she stood, none other than Cheryl Blossom herself. Her fiery red hair, more saturated than an instagram photo, fell in perfect waves around her porcelain face. Her big brown eyes glared down at Toni and her pink lips-

"Hello. Did you not here me? Move!" The redhead stated again, this time louder. And with knock of the shoulder, Toni's small frame had been pushed out of the way for Cheryl and her cheerleader squad to enter deeper into the diner.

Toni rolled her eyes at the redhead , turning the other way to find herself a cozy booth to sit in as she waited. She hoped to herself the others wouldn't be long and busied herself by taking in her surroundings.

Toni's pair of brown eyes suddenly locked with Cheryl's from across the diner; The queen bee looking a mixture of dangerous, yet sexy. The serpent didn't know what had been up with her that night. She quickly glanced outside the window to distract herself from the girl across the room. Perhaps it was the extended period of time she had gone without touching another girls body, let alone kissing one, or maybe it was the irresistible plump li-

She cut that thought short as she saw Jughead and the others walk through the diner doors.


"So Toni, tell me a bit about yourself?" Betty Cooper asked, in an attempt to deconstruct whatever prejudice had been built up between the two girls.

The question left Toni speechless, as whenever anyone asked her that she would always forget everything interesting about herself. She thought for another second. "Well..i love writing. Maybe Jughead's mentioned our time we spent writing for the Red and Black" Toni offered. Betty smiled, although a hint of unease was detected by the serpent as she saw the blonde's eye twitch at the name of her boyfriend.

Toni tried another approach. "I love taking photographs."

"Of crime related things?" Kevin piped in.

"Yes. No. Well sometimes when its for the newspaper, but mostly people. I shoot people"

"Yeah, you should see her stuff its incredible." Jughead smiled.

"Do you have anything on you at the moment?" Betty asked, genuinely seeming interested.

Toni nodded and pulled out her smartphone. Before unlocking her device she hesitated, not because she thought her skills would be judged but because of who was in the photograph. She shook out any uncertainty from her mind and turned her phone to Betty after a few taps.

"Wow these are incredible. You took these?" Kevin asked as he peered over Betty's shoulder. Toni smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Kevin's right Toni. This is actually quite amazing" Betty added on. "Whose the girl in the-"

"Isn't it below you to be hanging out with Southside scum? I mean Jughead i understand, but common Kevin. Really? What would poor Sheriff Keller think if he knew you were associating with filth." Cheryl cuts off, all of a sudden at their booth. She towered over the entire table, glaring each individual down. Sweet Pea and Fangs became unsettled at her arrival , however remained mature knowing that she was only here to get a reaction.

Toni however stood up almost instantly, stepping towards Cheryl. "Why dont we take this outside since your precious little entourage isn't here to save you now, bitch." Sweet Pea reached out his arm to gently pull Toni back down but she shook his arm away.

Cheryl and Toni found themselves facing off for what seemed like the hundredth time that week in an intense staredown. "Listen up here Southside scum. It is below me to engage in physical violence with anyone, let alone an anyone who to me, is quite frankly a nobody. People fear me at Riverdale High, people fear me in all of the Northside. So if you want to be even remotely linked to this town, or any of your pathetic low life friends-" Cheryl seethed, her voice dropping menacingly low, and her face inching in closer to Toni's. "You better watch that little mouth of yours." And with a click of her heels , Cheryl was out the diner with nothing but a flash of red left behind.

"Tonez" Fangs whispered to the silent girl. "Are you okay?" Everyone sat quietly waiting for a response.

Toni felt her eyes welling up, not because of Cheryl Blossom but because of her old life and how desperately she missed it; Despite it not being the best either. She sucked up her tears and prepared her answer and how she would deliver it, so her voice didnt shake.

"I'm fine"

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