Chapter 2:

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Hey there, so i realised Riverdale isn't back till March 7th :( and i cant go that long without Choni soooo here's some more!

As Monday morning arrived, Riverdale High's students were fast awaken by their alarm clocks. One petite brunette in particular refused to listen, as her alarm clock screeched at her like a parrot. She hit snooze , thinking that 5 more minutes was all she would need to conjure up the energy to roll out of bed. She was wrong. 

2 swift hours passed by before Toni's sleepy eyes blinked awake. She hummed to herself as she stretched her limbs out and sat upright. There was no worry or anxiety to be sensed for miles, that was until the small girls eyes landed on her alarm clock. 9:47 am. Toni's muscles jolted awake as did her brain, a million thoughts bouncing back and forth in her mind like a tennis match.

Clothes she thought. Where were her clothes? She couldn't find them, had misplaced them? Maybe she had left them at the dry cleaners. As she thought all this she brushed her teeth with the last squeeze of toothpaste she had left, making a mental note to herself to buy some after school. With urgency in her steps and her clothes no where to be seen, Toni grabbed the nearest shirt she could find, a black Ramones t-shirt and threw on her Serpents jacket. With a final cleanse of her mouth, Toni reached for her beanie and backpack before she sprinted out the door.


Toni rushed into her next scheduled class, making a scene as she did. Cheryl Blossom was in the middle of a presentation and did not look pleased when the stumbling brunette rather unflatteringly entered the room. With quick apologies to the teacher Toni took her empty seat towards the back of the class, in between Sweet Pea and Betty, Kevin sitting in front of her.

Cheryl finished her presentation and glided towards the back of the room, taking her place behind Toni. The redhead subtly leaned towards her cheerleader friends to either of her side, whispering to one another only stopping to eye down Toni. The brunette wasn't dumb and didn't need eyes and ears in the back of her head to know what was going on. As soon as the bell rang to indicate break, Toni was out the door quicker than it took her to wake up that morning.

With a final shut of the her locker door, Toni placed her chemistry book into her backpack, looking up to see none other than Cheryl Blossom, leaning against the lockers, hip jutted out and lips pursed. She eyed Toni up and down before locking eyes with her. "I dont appreciate your little stunt today." Cheryl stated, as if it was the most obvious thing.

Confusion covered Toni's face. "I'm sorry what?"

"Oh don't play dumb. I know what you Southside scum are up to. Coming to class late, disrupting lessons, missing classes, purposely dragging everyone else's GPA's down just because your pathetic excuse of a school got shut down. If it's not Sweet Pea, its Jughead if it's not Jughead it's you. And now to add on top of it all, you've decided to deliberately wear your thrift store snake merchandise around our halls!"

Toni doesn't know how Cheryl can fit so many words into one breath but she was not in the mood to be berated by the stuck up queen bee like a toddler. The serpent swivelled on her heel and walked off to her next class , leaving Cheryl's jaw hung wide open.

"You'll regret that scum!"


"Toni Topaz please report to principal Weatherbee's office."

The small serpent's brows furrowed and her mind raced to all the actions she had taken that day at school. Surely arriving late wouldn't account for being sent to the principal's office. One foot after the other carried Toni down the halls of Riverdale High where Cheryl leaned against some lockers to the left, arms crossed as if to indicate 'Defence mode activated' and her cheerleader muppets by her side. Toni held her head up high as she passed them and rolled her eyes straight after, knowing that an over reaction like this could've only been caused by the queen bee herself.

She took a seat in front of principal Weatherbee and remained silent until she was spoken to. "Do you know why you're here today Miss Topaz?"

She shrugged. "No."

"It seems that quite a number of students have complained about your recent activities Miss Topaz. If it were just one or two students you'd be let off with a warning however, as it is not, further action will need to be taken."

"Recent activities?" Toni questioned, irritation spreading over her face.

"Yes Miss Topaz. Your frequent disruptions to classes."

"That was only once." Toni shot back.

Mr Weatherbee raised his eyebrow at her questioningly, as if warning her. "Your continuation of wearing gang related paraphernalia." Toni was about to cut him off again, but the bald man just raised his hand to silence her and continued his list. "The vandalism of other students property, and lastly the possession of dangerous weapons."

Shock was an understatement to describe how Toni felt. An influx of emotions hit the girl all at once and she couldn't figure out which question it was she wanted to ask first. "Look Toni, i know it's hard for you coming here from the Southside where things were different, more lenient. However, Reversal High does not toler-"

"It wasn't me."

"Miss Topaz, we have eye witnesses who have verified your actions."

"Mr Weatherbee, i can assure you I did no such thing." The man's eyes dripped with pity, his thin mouth failed to hide his true feelings towards the girl. Like everyone else in the Northside, principal Weatherbee also believed that she was dangerous, unreasonable and now a threat.

"I'm going to need you to open up your locker Miss Topaz."


"They aren't mine I swear. I don't even know how they got in there." Toni pleaded. She could feel herself getting enraged again.

"Save your crocodile tears, Ragamuffin. We all know its you Southsiders who've been trying to infiltrate the Northside's values and beliefs by bringing in weapons. I mean wasn't the black hood a janitor at your school? Whose to say he didn't have little apprentices sprinkled all over the place Mr Weatherbee." Cheryl's condescending voice intruded out of nowhere.

By this stage a crowd had gathered around the two girls and principal, all eager to see what was about to unfold next.

"Please Miss Blossom, this is between Miss Topaz and myself." Mr Weatherbee simply stated.

"Alright, but don't be shocked when one of our own is left bruised, beaten and potentially stabbed because of people like her."

It took every fibre in Toni's body not to lash out and punch Cheryl right there and then, but she had listened to what Cheryl had said, and knew if she acted out that it would only further prove her point. So, the small girl apologised to the principal, walked quietly back to his office and endured her consequences silently.

"A week's suspension Miss Topaz, when you return you will have to check in and out of school everyday with the respected times. You will be searched from head to toe for the rest of term to ensure no weaponry or threats are brought onto school grounds.Miss Topaz you are also required to clean the graffitied areas which you had defaced after school, everyday until all of it is in pristine condition. And finally, you will be required to join TWO school clubs or extracurricular activities; Reason being 1. We need as many eyes on you as we can during your hours in school and 2. You will need to make up your credit score for the time you miss during your suspension."

Toni could not believe the harsh punishment she had to face for actions she hadn't committed. She was stuck. To chose to defend herself further would only raise the already excessive commotion, but to stay silent and face her injustice would mean she would become an easier target at Riverdale High.

"Is that clear Miss Topaz?"

Toni nodded.

So what did you think? If you enjoyed it favourite and comment to let me know. This is gonna be hella slowburn so if you're in it for the long haul then props to you! Can anyone guess what will make Toni snap? And what do you think she's gonna do during her one week suspension? Lemme know!

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