(Not So) Forgotten Tag #1

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So this is literally where I'm gonna put all my tags, cause as surprising as it is I actually get tagged. *secretly dances happily*

So yep nothing actually exciting, which mirrors my live rn XD

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So yep nothing actually exciting, which mirrors my live rn XD

Well I was tagged by ThreeGaysGrace  (as usual 😂)

Many of u probably won't do this but as that brown haired bearded man in the sky said love one another! So instead of loving each other let's just throw about compliments (even if they're true or not)

Many of u probably won't do this but as that brown haired bearded man in the sky said love one another! So instead of loving each other let's just throw about compliments (even if they're true or not)

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I don't have any pics of Jesus, but here's his doppelganger, so let's give it up for George Harrison y'all!

Anywho, here's my randomly selected five:

If I had more friends I'd tag more people *sniffs*

Jokes, its just that Shittpad isn't working for me today :( so I cant be asked to put more effort in to type up more people.

Anyhoe! That's it! Sorry you had to read this trash but it's your own fault

Venetia (Ven-ee-sha)

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