What the hell is going on?!

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Violence and murder is just becoming worse everywhere to the point where people are just accepting it.

It's really disgusting.

There's been so many shootings, stabbings, murders etc. that most of it doesn't make the news or people turn a blind eye to it.

I get that everytime a person dies, people don't really want to hear the same thing over again (I know I don't). And we shouldn't simply because it shouldn't be happening at all.

I'm saying this because a seventeen year old girl was shot, for no reason, right next to the area where I grew up and only moved away from not very long ago.

This makes me feel bad because I'm not really paying much attention to any violence that's going around. And the only reason why I'm paying more attention now is because I recognised the area where the girl was killed.

It's an area where I've got loads of friends and where I used to play, its actually quite near to the church I go to. (When I'm bothered)

And I should care wherever the hell this crap happens.

In this country guns are illegal but people are walking around with them on the streets and using them.

It's easy to blame the government and everything but what can they actually do, their humans like us, the only difference is that they have more control than us but they dont have the ultimate control.

There's stuff they can do, but they can't control everything that everyone does.

Gah, its a really hard topic, I wish we could all do something about this, to prevent it from happening. It mostly depends on us, our influences and our choices.

But yup that's all I had to say....

Other than that I went to Brixton with my mum and grandma to see my cousins. I really wanted to see the David Bowie mural but they were all like "oh it's getting late we need to go home"

But anywho, I'm finally active so that's something to celebrate, now I need to catch up on my notificationsssss...


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