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teacher/student relationship

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                         chapter 1


               Today is Friday, and I'm in my Senior English class it is such a drag, it is my last class for the day then I will be heading home. Today we are reading macbeth and Im finding it diffcult to pay attention, the book is written in old English, there is no type of drama in the book let's just say the book is dryer than the safari dessert.

I sit in the back right corner of the classroom with my two bestfriend Linda sitting in front of me, and Micah sitting beside me. Micah is one of my best friend and, he is like a big brother to me. He is always there for me. Micah is not a quitter, he is 19 in high school he could have easily dropped out of school, but he chose to keep on going; till he gets his diploma. Micah is 6'2 ft tall, not skinny and not fat either, he is biracial Filipino,mixed with African- American. He has black curly hair,  brown eyes, and he is good looking. I would never go for him,  I just threw up a little in my mouth, thinking about Micah in that kind of way. I love Micah but not in that way.

Linda is crazy, funny, loving and outgoing trukish girl yup linda is from turkey. we have been friends since we were 8 in fourth grade, now we are 18 in the twelveth grade. I guess you can call her my best friend, but to me personally she can also pass for being my sister. I don't know where I would be without her, we don't even have to utter a word to each other to know how the other feels. I think it is safe to say she knows me better than I know myself. she is an inch taller than me, she has blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is tan skinned, and the girl has it going for her curves in all the right places, her weight is perfect. she is very competitive when it comes to sports. She envy's me at times she said my butt and boobs are huge she wished she had that too. Just for the record my ass and hood isn't all that. I'm a size small for my panties, and my bra size is a A cup. So go figure I guess that big for her . she loves my hazel eyes and light skin tone. She loves my hair, how I can rock a afro one day, and another day I rock bone straight hair.

I grabbed a strand of  Linda's blonde hair and pull it loosely towards me, "ouch! Rose that freaken hurt", Linda half yelled and whispered.

    I quickly looked up to see if Mr. Jordan our English teacher noticed anything, luckily for me he didn't, his back was facing us, he was writing down notes on the board about macbeth. Talking of his back facing us, he has a nice bubble butt for a man. I have made eye contact with Mr. Jordan once in a while and he always quickly looks away. I don't really think anything of it. Thinking of him now I must say he is quite handsome, he is tall about 28 years old I think, his skin color is little bit on the pale side, I'm sure if he goes out once in a while he can get a nice tan like Linda. He has brown eyes, and brown hair, his facial hair is neatly trimmed. He is tall, I like my men tall if I were to estimate his height, I would said he is about 6'1.

    Mr. Jordan turned around and caught me staring at him.  He smirked at me and i just looked away. I glanced around the classroom most of the students were talking amongst themselves, I noticed  that Micah had moved his seat, he was talking to Raven, he has a crush on her.  Micah is too scared to tell her. He caught my eye, and he smiled at me, and I smiled back at him.


      "Rose"?  linda whispered i jumped a little when Linda called my name. " face " i whispered back, I need to tell you something. She turned around facing me and said "i'm all ears Rose". First of all let's take a moment to TGIF, woot! woot! I said. Do you have any plans for to today? I asked her. " No, but Micah said his parents are gunna be out of town for the weekend, so his house is open for us". "I figured we can just chill out there if you want to after school" Linda said.  i chirped in, Okay its a deal, but I need you to give me a ride to pick up my brother from the babysitter, then back to my house to get some clothes for the weekend. okay I gotcha babez was Linda's reply, before Mr. Jordan rudely interrupted us, and yelled at me "Rose"?, what?! I yelled back.

      The whole class was silent now, Mr. Jordan came closer towards my desk, and said "I want you to take out a notebook, and something to write with and start taking down notes from the board to your notebook. How about I don't, I snapped at him, how about I give you detention he snapped back. The whole class said ooo!!! then I said go ahead, do whatever makes you sleep peaceful at night. Linda broke out laughing, her laugh is contagious, her laugh is always funnier than the joke itself.  The whole class joined her in laughing. Mr. Jordan headed back to his desk embarrassed, with a red face he said " I want to see you after class is over Rose Mary ". " Class please get back to work" he yelled while making his way back to his desk.

       The bell rang indicating that school is over for day. I carried my school bag, I was about to head out of the classroom, with Linda and Micah by my side chit chatting about our sleeping arrangements at his place for the weekend, I wasn't really involved in the conversation. I was planing of a way to sneak out pass Mr. Jordan without being noticed, I tried to walk behind Micah and Linda but that plan failed because Mr. Jordan said "Rose I can see you" Mr. Jordan said, shit I yelled out, and said close your damn eyes and you won't see me. "Goodbye Linda and Micah" Mr. Jordan muttered I need to have a word with your friend, but Mr. Jordan I have an important issue to take care of right after school whined to him. Can we please hold the meeting some other time. Linda crazy behind chirped in "don't worry my Rose petals, I will pick up your brother, and some of your clothes. We will head over to Micah's place and wait for you there. what a great friend you are Mr. Jordan said with a smirk on his face, Rose petal your issues has been solved he said in a sarcastic voice.  Linda here is the house key I muttered, and she said enjoy, see you later Rose petals, Linda came in for a hug and pecked me on the cheeks before leaving. she walked out of the door and winked at me. I will be waiting for you in the school parking lot said Micah, Linda knows where the spare key to the house is. I looked up at Mr. Jordan I could see a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, we held eye contact for second, I looked away. Mr. Jordan cleared his throat and said Micah head home,  I will make sure she gets home safely. Micah looked like he was about to protest, so i immediately yelled out see you later Micah! I'll Uber home. He pecked me on the cheek and left.

   I saw Mr. Jordan fist roll up into a ball, I just ignored it. I sat down in the front row chair, and put my school bag on the table, So what did you want to talk to me about? I questioned him. Mr. Jordan came and sat next to me, the tiny hair on my arms stood up, my heart started beating uncontrollably. Mr. Jordan noticed and said relax Rose I don't bite. Well Miss Rose  he said why do you think I wanted to have a word with you? I questioned him is it about the out burst from earlier? if it is, Mr. Jordan I'm sorry about my out burst earlier, but it wasn't fair how you called me out like that, when everyone else was talking too. I wanted to say more but he cut me short. Rose, you are right. by the way just so you know you have detention on Mondays after school because of that I'm glad you saw it as an outburst he said with a smirked on his face. I just want to wipe that smirk from his face. Next, Rose you have an F in my class don't you want to graduate? I suggest you should stay after for extra help everyday until your grades improve. I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out of my pocket. Can I please answer this I asked Mr. Jordan he said "no". As if he pays for my phone bills, that Pissed me the fuck off, I got up gathered my things and made my way down the hallway. I could hear Mr. Jordan yell out "Rose if you walk out of this school grounds you owe me detention for the rest of the year".  I yelled back "I don't care!" and I walked faster down the hall.

I know guys this is a long  chapter and the

cliff hanger is wack, it was quite a long

Chapter and the characters descriptions are
Everywhere, please hang on it gets better

Also keep it in mind

that I'm a noob at this. Again comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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