I'll Wait for you

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(Third Person POV)
"Just leave it alone Perrie!" The older Geordie yells as she burst into the girl's flat "I will not! You've been so fucking distant and cold Jade and I don't like it!" The younger blonde and the rest of the girls had been giving her all the space she needed after her breakup with Jed but now the fans were starting to realize her behavior in interviews and started to get worried "Jade you have to talk to me, it's been months" she looks at the brunette hoping to get Jade to open up "Perrie you don't understand" she turns around and sits on the couch "I don't understand? Really Jade? you say that to me of all people?" Jade turns around with a sorry look on her face realizing what she was talking about "I'm sorry baba...I forgot" Perrie walks over to her best friend and takes a seat in the space next to her "I understand your pain more than anyone poopey" Jade rolls her eyes at her nickname "Perrie I'm 25 stop calling me poopey" The blonde laughs "Never, now talk to me...please" The older Geordie sighs and closes her eyes  "I'm...i'm Just broken pez" her voice cracking "Oh baba" Perrie pulls her small body into her and holds her close as Jade sobs "I'm always here for you..always" Jade nods and shuts her eyes tight trying to stop the tears but failing, they sat there for what feels like forever.

After about an hour Jade pulls away from Perrie just to see her fast asleep, she laughs at her blonde friend and goes to get her a blanket, in doing so she trips and lands on her back "Ow, ugh I'm so clumsy" she looks to see if she broke anything luckily not "Gosh this girl can sleep through bloody anything" suddenly she hears laughing "Actually I've been up this whole time" Jade gets up and slaps Perrie on the bum since she was laying on  her stomach "Ow! My bum has nothing to do with this!" They both laugh "Feeling better?" The Brunette nods abit "Not completely but thank you Perrie, you  always manage to make me feel better" Perrie smiles "I try my best" she gets up and goes to hug Jade only to trip on the same thing Jade did and stumbles close to her face, their lips inches apart, they look at each other, Jade looks down at Perrie's lips and Perrie vice versa "um...is it bad that I kinda wanna kiss you?" The older Geordie bites her lip "I kinda do too.." Jade felt a sudden rush of guilt but still leans into Perrie's lips.

The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes but it felt like forever to them, they both pull away and look at each other "What just happened?" The blonde asked "I think we just made out pez" the brunette blushes and sits back down on the couch "I don't what came over me" the blonde sits next to her trying to take in the situation "I..i liked it" she said truthfully to the older Geordie "I did too" she replied chuckling at her confession "I mean...I never actually think you looked at me that way" the blonde blushes "I've always found you attractive Jade...it Just was never the right time, you see how hectic our lives are" Jade nods "I still feel like it's too soon pez.." the blonde nods understandingly "Don't worry baba, I'll Wait for you."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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