Chapter 26: I Won't Give Up

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Authors Note:

WOAH thanks to all the votes on the last chapter :) this time we want 20+ votes and/or comments (both would be lovely) for us to upload the next chapter xx

please make sure you VOTE, COMMENT and FAN!!!!



                               Alice and Sophie :) xx


Alice’s P.O.V

Sophie and Louis slammed the door shut as they locked Harry and me inside Louis’s room.

‘LET US OUT!’ I marched over to the door and started bashing it.

‘Not until you both work this out! You both know you love each other, so I know that you can both work this out.’ Soph calmly told us from the other side of the door.

‘Sophie is right. Harry says he feels like a complete dickhead so just listen to him Alice.’ Louis instructed me.

‘We will be down stairs if you need us.’ The two of them walked away and I was left all alone with Styles.

I walked over and sat on Louis’s desk on the other side of the room from where Harry was. His lip was pouted as he looked down awkwardly at the ground. His curls covering his beautiful green eyes. DAMN he looked good.

HOLD ON! Wait no. I hate him, well not hate him but I strongly dislike him at the moment. He is not cute at all. He is the opposite of cute.

‘Can we please talk about this?’ he murmured from across the room. We both looked up and for the first time since the fighting started our eyes met. I slowly nodded as I stared onto his sad eyes.

He stood up and walked over closer to me,’ I’m really sorry. I should have never told you to leave and I should have been looking out for you and defending you on Twitter. I’m so sorry that you got all those tweets and to be honest I didn’t even know about them until Liam texted me about it a few days ago. That means Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis have all been looking out for you while I sat back and was a shity boyfriend. I am so sorry Alice.’ He went to take my hand when I flinched away.

‘Don’t touch me.’ I whispered.

‘ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?’ Harry yelled at me as the tears started streaming down my face. I wiped them away with my hand as I stood up face to face with Harry.

‘You don’t get it do you? I loved you and then you ripped it away. I would have done anything for you. I would have left my friends and family in Australia so I could stay here with you. I would have put up living with four other boys to be with you, HELL I MIGHT HAVE EVEN MADE YOUR SISTER HAPPY AND HAVE MARRIED YOY!’ I stood there shaking as I continued,’ I fell in love with the loving, caring, cheeky Harry NOT the self-centred, stuck up, arsewhole one. Come back and talk to me when the Harold I love is back because some day I want to marry him.’ Harry stood there looking like I had hit him in the face…. with a brick. He stepped forward again and took my hand.

‘Don’t touch me.’ I picked up a random object off Louis’s desk. A ruler? Harry let go of my hand and walked back to the other side of the room.

‘I still love you.’ Harry whispered quietly.

‘I still love you too but I think we both need our own space at the moment.’

‘Okay but we are still dating so no seeing other people. Okay?’ Harry said and I nodded my head in agreement.

‘I’m going to call Soph and Lou up, SOPHIE!’ I told Harry as I yelled Sophie’s name. The two of them came running up the stairs and flung open the door.

‘DID YOU TWO MAKE UP?’ Louis yelled obnoxiously.

‘Better question is what are you doing with a ruler?’ Sophie looked very confused. Harry quietly chuckled under his breath.

‘Never mind that, we have come to an agreement.’ I said.

‘We are not splitting up but we are taking a break so we can both have some of our own space.’ Harry explained the situation too them.

‘No more arguments, no more fights, just Alice and Harry how we were before.’ I must admit even though I didn’t want to do this I’m kind of glad Soph and Lou made Harry and I talk it out.

‘So you’re not moving back to Australia?’ Sophie asked as she pulled me in for a hug.

‘Huh?’ Harry and Louis said at the exact same time.

‘What do you mean moving back to Australia?’ Harry’s smile face turned sad and glum again.

‘I was thinking about going back to Australia because I was ruining the band’s and Sophie’s dream so I was going to go back but if it’s alright with all of you I think I might stay a bit longer.’ I explained and Harry walked over and hugged me.

In my ear he whispered, ‘Don’t ever leave me.’

‘Never,’ I whispered back as we both pulled away from the hug.

‘What’s going to happen now?’ Louis asked.

‘Well I have to go back to London so I can record my song!’ Sophie jumped and squealed with excitement.

‘I’m going to take Lux back to London with me and we are going to some fun things with Uncle Zayn, Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall.’ Harry said cheerfully.

‘I’ll come with you then Harry. What about you Ally?’ Louis asked as he was saying all the things the lads and him could all do together.

‘Well I guess I have to come back to London with you all too.’

‘YAY PARTY TIME WITH AUNTY ALICE!’ Louis squealed with delight.

‘Speaking of Lux where is she?’ Harry asked looking around very concerned.

‘Lottie has got her, so are we ready to go?’

‘Let’s go!’ we all gathered our things together and picked up Lux from Lottie as we set back off to London.

‘Lou and I will go in Lou’s car and you, Lux and Harry will go in his car.’ Sophie said quickly as she hugged me and got into Lou’s car and drove away.

‘Let’s go.’ Harry said as we drove away.

‘Are we there yet?’


‘Are we there yet?’


‘Are we ther-’


‘Then when are we going to be there?’ I asked Harry. This is how our whole conversation has been the WHOLE ride to London.

‘Well I’m sleepy so wake me up when we arrive.’ I told him as I closed my eyes and drifted into the first peaceful sleep I have had in a while.


REMINDER - we want 20+ votes and/or comments (both would be lovely) for us to upload the next chapter xx


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