Chapter 3

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We stumble to a halt as we reach the edge of town. My lungs feel like they're about to cave in. Should have put more effort into PE classes. I guess that's the big main difference between Toby and I, I hate sport but Toby lives for his swimming and football. I look across to see his face barely flushed from the effort of running. He gives me a huge smile - the smile many girls at school have fallen for over the years. Show off. I collapse onto the verge by the road while he leans on the fence. "Tell me everything, Toby. Who was that man? What happened to everyone at school? Why does he want us? Where will we go now?" He pats me isn't he head in a jokey way and says "patience, grasshopper. All in good time." This is more like the Toby I remember, always joking even in situations deadly serious. I smile, despite myself. Reminded of the seriousness of the situation however, he continues to tell me our situation. "That guy back at the college, his name is Gabriel and let me tell you he is no angel. I walked in the room to find him at the front of the room gassing the students with this chemical he said alters memories, he said they will wake up at around lunch and remember nothing. Then again, he could be lying but I doubt it. He told me he wanted what you and I have, and he would stop at nothing to get it. Then he just stood behind the door when you came in and the rest you know"

"Wow" I gasped, memory gas. Something nagged at the back of my mind "but why does he want us Toby?" I asked him. "He said we have powers" Toby replied.

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