Chapter 2

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My brain went into shut down mode suddenly. Are these people dead? Worst of all, did Toby kill them? I panicked immediately. No, calm down, Ellen. I can see them breathing. That's a big relief. Even though I don't like them, I would hate to see them killed.


He stares at me with his big blue eyes and I realise the is trying to tell me something,

"Be careful, someone is behind you" I see him make an incredibly slight head movement to the right - towards the fire escape. I think he wants me to make a break for it. Should I? I hold my purple ice watch in front of my body, I pretend to look at he time but I catch a glimpse of the figure behind me.

I don't recognise this guy but he looks scary. Probably about the same age as our dad, with short black hair and sunglasses. His most alarming feature however was a long, dark scar running down from the corner of his left eye to his chin. I quickly weigh my options up in my head - this guy is surely armed. If I run, he might just shoot Toby and me both. If I stay he will sooner or later. Damn. I look at Toby, he nods his head slightly. All this happens in less than 10 seconds.

What would a guy looking like that want with us anyhow? Not like we could pull a good ransom. Or any ransom. I'm sure Dad wouldn't even realise we were gone till we didn't bring him his evening cigarette and beer. That's the only reason he would miss us anyways. A small tear comes to the corner of my eye. I so miss the way Dad used to be before Ma died.

Back to the point. Escaping. Not dying. Toby.

I step backwards feigning shock and devastation till I am less than 30cm from Scar-face. I can feel his disgusting breathing on my neck. Ewww. He still thinks I don't know he is there. I slowly put my hand in my bomber jacket pocket for my keys. My hand closes around the cold metal. I keep eye contact with Toby. I fake sobs to keep the scar man convinced. I find the correct key ring - my penknife. I unhook it, thankful I only have two keys. It feels cold on my skin. I feel powerful, In control. I pull my hand out of my pocket and in a flash stab it into the thigh of my near kidnapper/murderer. He cries out in surprise and pain, I be the didn't see that coming from a little girl like me.

While he lies on the floor temporarily immobilised by my knife I make a break for the front of the classroom. I grab Toby's hand and we run for the fire escape. I feel sad to leave my classmates behind, in possible danger.

We run out of the school hand in hand. My heart frantically pounds against my chest, my breath coming in sharp rasps.

"Toby, what's going on?" I ask him

"Not now, Ellen" "let's get to the edge of town. I will tell you everything then, I promise"

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