See What Happens

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True Story

Emree (RasaDoodle)

This was... About... 1 month after the hummingbird insident. We were in first period again. Adia to my right Kamryn to my left. We were doing the workout right. 3 girls infround of us to the right looked at us and said,
"Stop playing about and do it correctly"
Yes. We were laughing and giggling. But they had no right to just say that. They turned back around and started giggling and smirking. Me, Adia, and Kamryn walked farther away from them. And under my breath I said,
"Man I wish I could also that bitch"
One of her friends, was right next to us. She walked over to Kamrie, the one who said all the mean stuff before that and now, and told her. Kamrie turned around and looked at us. Her friends around her looked at us too. Pointed a finger at me, put a hand on her hip, leaned in and said,
"Slap me and see what happens"
She then turned around shooting nasty looks at us every 10 seconds and whispering in others ears.

Nothing happened after that, that day.

Just a normal bump in with a local bully. Well she's a bully to me.

Still. It was worth saying that and her hearing it.

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