Are You Two Gay?

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Emree P.O.V.

{True Story}

We, me and Adia, were in Athletics. We were just minding our own business, until the 5 to last work-out.
I put my head on Adias left shoulder and booped my nose into her cheek. Sofia and Camri (found out how to spell her name), popular kids, decided to ask a question cuz I guess it looked like I kissed Adias cheek.
"Are you two gay?" They asked us, well Camri asked us. Camri and Sofia started to giggle and whisper to each other.
"No, were not" I said, me and Adia exchanged glances. They questioned us one more time before giving up and starting to gossip to the other girls.
Days went by and they look at us weird. Other girls, no almost all of them, ignore us.
So why waste time talking to us when there's better things you could do?

My only question is why would they poke there noses into our business and start spreading lies?

I know its a dumb question but still. Why do people haft to be so mean because others are different?

Why do all the white sheep pick on the black sheep because of different likes and looks?

Why is humanity and reality so cruel to boys and girls like me and my friends?...

A/N: heads up guys! Isabelles going to be writing the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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