Chapter 4

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Now Ronan, I don't know if you remember but we were in different time zones; two hours apart. However, that didn't stop us. I'd be in fourth period, you'd be heading into first. I'd be getting into bed, you'd be finishing dinner. These were the two main times we would talk. I had no problem not doing my online classes or staying up so late to where I could barely get up in the morning. I had no problem doing anything for you.

I loved our late-night talks more than anything. We would talk about our love for Spiderman, I would tell you stories, and all the while we would make SpongeBob references. I remember one night we were messaging on Skype but I forgot how the topic came up. I must've triggered you somehow.



Clio: "And you ran inside and slipped on an ice cube."

Ronan: "No

Shut up." I still have the screenshot of this.

We had the same sense of humor. I told you my stupid jokes, you told me yours. Marlowe thought we were crazy but I didn't mind.

One time, you asked me what I looked for in guys. I said I liked dark hair and dark eyes. When I realized what I had said, I yelled fuck and you just wiggled your eyebrows and laughed.

You even told me about your dad. You told me he left you, your sister, and your mom. You said he loved you, he just didn't know how to show it. I doubted it for a while. If he loved you, he wouldn't have left. After thinking about it, I finally understood. 

I started lying to you not long after. It started out small like my age. Then it was me living alone, creating scenarios. I tried to create a life I wanted, not the one I had. But one of the reasons was me forgetting your age. I thought you said you were seventeen for a while. Turns out you were fifteen; I was a year younger so it would've worked out. However, I was a dumbass and didn't notice until I was too late.

I started to tell you stories about my parents. Most were real, very few were fake. I tried to keep it like that since I truly liked you. But things started to change for the worst.

I lied about quite a bit. I lied about my age, living arrangements, driving, friends, my family, and pretty much anything else you can think of. However, my friendship with you was genuine. I cherished you with all my heart and it scared the shit out of me. I never thought I would like someone as much as I did you. So, of course I had to screw it up.

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