IV (Rain game ) part I

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"Let's go on a picnic!" Mina said. We all agreed and grab some food and stuff. As we went outside we were about to go inside the car then... IT RAINED. All of us were full of disappointment. We went back inside with that sad face.

"Don't be sad. Let's play a game!" Momo said to us. "Aish Momo unnie! We're tired and not in the mood" Tzuyu said. "You're lying! Let's play a rainy game!" Momo said "Yeah maybe we should! I am bored" Sana said  "You know what? Yeah... I am bored and I have nothing to do so I'll just  play." Jihyo said. We all agreed and Tzuyu changed her mind. "Ok first game!" Momo said.
"What will it be?" Tzuyu asked "How about the mafia game?" Jungyeon said and all of us agreed and started playing.

"I'm host!" Jungyeon said and we all agreed.

-----------Jungyeon P.O.V---------

"How do we play this again?" Y/n asked.

"The game have two phases: night, when the mafia secretly " murders" an innocent and day, when innocents vote to eliminate maofisi suspect. The game ends when when all the mafias members are eliminated or there are more mafias than innocent. I will pick two mafia and one doctor. The mafia, when I say it's night they both will choose someone to kill and that innocent one that was chosen must stay quiet and not look suspicious and the doctor, when I say day she must guess who was the one was killed and if the doctor guessed wrong then the innocent that was killedexplained  While after the doctor guess all must vote who killed the innocent and also the doctor and mafia. So is that clear?" I explained after that we started the game. "So I will choose who is mafia! Close your eyes and NO peeking or else you're disqualified!" I said and they all obeyed

No one's P.O.V

They all closed eyes. "I shall pick who is mafia" Jeongyeon said and she picked Chaeyoung and Mina. "Now I shall pick who is doctor" Jeongyeon said and she chose Jihyo. "Open your eyes" Jeongyeon said and a of them obeyed. "Well since I have chosen who is mafia and who is doctor, the rest are innocent now all of you close eyes again" Jeongyeon said. They all do what she said. "It's night time and the mafias shall pick someone to kill" Jeongyeon said and Mina and Chaeyoung opened they're eyes. 'You're a mafia?' Mina mouthed 'yes' Chaeyoung replied. Mina and Chaeyoung picked Momo! Momo was startled and tried not to laugh or sometin'

-----To be continued---

Mianhae!! I took so long to update right? Maybe... But anyway I got distracted by a ff about Jeongyeon (TWICE) and Namjoon (BTS) was forced to be married and ended up falling for each other and didn't know that they both felt the same way and Jinyoung (GOT7) was jelly cause Jeongyeon loved Namjoon and was married to hi- ok I'll stop spoiling XD if ur reading it. But I am busy reading lots and LOTS of ff's these days and I guess I am interested in reading now... Huh... Anyway that's all I got and yes that's how you play the mafia game. It's so long to explain right? Yep! I did that for the ones who don't know about it so yeah! Is it long or short? meh... I suck... 😐
--A/n has left--

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