Chapter 24

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A/N: ( Helloo so the book is still under construction x.x but i wanted to give y'all the next chapter since i really need to give y'all another chapter and to get my mind off of  my life problems. So here is the chapter! Oh and here is mah insta~    kinny._.15)

Garroth's Pov:

         Its finally a new year.  Me and Laurence have been going out since the party when we confessed. Zane and Aaron have been doing well, it makes me happy to see them finally happy  together.

      Today I'm planning on taking Laurence out on a date. I have been very nervous about asking out to a date. I don't know what kind of places or things he likes to do for dates. So I'm just going to be old school and take him to a drive-in movie theater.

        All I can do is hope he likes it. He told me that he was wanting to see a certain movie and I was in luck that they were showing that one at the drive-in.

      I was also wanting to take him out to eat. So I  went to Aaron and asked him for some help and some suggestions on where to go. He said Olive Garden is a good place. Me and Laurence love olive garden so its perfect.

    After I thanked Aaron I went home and waited till Laurence got home. 

     I heard the door opening and I rushed down the stairs, I ran up to Laurence and wrapped my arms around him. He stood still for a second. I could tell I shocked him but he soon wrapped his arms around me. 

  "L-Laurence... Would you like to go on a date wi-' Laurence cuts me off "I would love to." He reaches up and gives me a kiss. I smile "I'm going to go get ready." he says then runs up to his room to get ready as i do the same. 

*Finish getting ready*

Laurence's Pov:

           Garroth is the greatest. I was happy he asked me out on a date. No matter what he has planned I know ill love it cause ill be with him. 

        Be fore I knew how I felt about Garroth, when my heart would race I thought it was some medical problem so I would often go to the nurse. It scared me, I didn't know what to do.

     After I found out I liked Garroth I kept my distance from him, I was disgusted with myself. I though I was messed up for liking a guy. I didn't know what to do once again, I was sure I liked Aphmau or that was what I thought. All that time I was lying to myself and tried to hide my feelings for him.

    As time went on my feelings for Garroth got stronger. I didn't know how he saw me I thought he just saw me as a friend. But that night outside in the cold snow, The moon light on him, him confessing his love for me. I was finally sure that I wasn't lying to myself. 

   Being with Garroth filed that whole in my heart that was missing for years. 

*Back to their date*

   Garroth and I went to Olive Garden and it was a perfect day, there wasn't many people so it was pretty quiet. We talked and had a great meal. He got a desert and we shared it he even let me have more than him. 

    He looked at the time and he smiles. I tilted my head in confusion. "We should get going." He payed the check and we got in his car and we were back on the road. 

  I noticed where we were and I looked at Garroth. "Trying to be old school?" I ask and he smiles. I decide to mess around with him. "So your that type.. I like my guys who have 100k on Instagram." I look out the window acting disappointed.

   I knew could tell he was frowning. "I'll do my best to get that 100k." I turn and look at him. "I was joking." I say and grab his free hand and hold his hand. "I think this is the best first date. And I don't care if you have 100k or not." I say and kiss his cheek.

     He smiled and we finally got to the drive-in theater. He parked the car and went to go get popcorn, candy and drinks.

  While he was gone I was watching kids out in the field, playing. I smiled and remembered all of my childhood memories of when I would play football with the boys before the movie started.

     I got up and went over to the boys and asked is I could join them. They all agreed and dang... were they better than me. The ball was tossed and it was about to hit a little girl but I was lucky and caught it in time. They all looked at me and I tossed the ball back to them while I bent down to the little girls level. 

   " Are you okay?" I ask her and she looks at me, she smiles and hugs me. "Thank you mister." I smile and hug her back. " be more careful okay?" I ask and she nods, then runs off. 

     The movie was about to start so I headed back when I saw  Garroth leasing on his car. "I was jealous of a little girl." He says and I laugh and was about to grab some popcorn but he raises it above his head. 

  " I want a hug to." he says and looks at me pouting. I smile and roll my eyes and I wrap my arms around him, giving him a hug. 

*After movie*

      I was tired and ended up falling asleep on the drive back home. 

But that was the best day i have ever had. And i am happy that is was a day spent with my beloved Garroth.

(There you go, their first date. And i decide to do an old school date because i think those are more romantic. Now days it just matters about likes/followers and i am not a big fan about that stuff so that is why i chose to put in that line cx but yeah hope y'all liked it and have a great day or night.  ~ Insta-   kinny._.15 )

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