Sex games

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The things I bought for gerard yesterday, are things I really shouldn't mention. But I'm going to anyway.

When I left the house, I only went to one store. This store is right down the street from my house. I walked in, getting a few stares from the workers and the couples in there.

They probably thought I was some lonely 18 year old (I'm 25 but I look 18 to most people) who is gay and looking for a good time. A lot of the people in there stared at my tattoos.

I went up to the counter, I covered my face slightly. "What can I get that would be great for a gay couple?" I whispered to the cashier. The customers looked at me and back to their partner. I blushed behind my hand.

The cashier pulled me to the back and said "Yeah we should have something. Sorry for the people in there, not normal for a gay man to walk in a place like this." I bit the side of my tongue nodded. He reaches up the self and grabbed a game. He handed it to me and tapped the box.

"This is good for all types of couples." He said looking a little more. I sat down on a stool, in the corner. I examined the box, until he said "So what are you and your boyfriend into?" I jump and cover my face at the question. I felt my face get so hot.

"Um..uh....We've never experimented like this before." I tell him quietly. He turns and looks at me. He nods and gets closer to me. "Are you dominant or submissive?" He ask me.

"Dominant." I tell him. "Ah, that's what I thought." He said turning back to the shelf. What the fuck is that suppose to mean?

I help him chose a few things, hoping gerard will like this stuff. I explain to the cashier what gerard is like. I tell him I want to buy panties for gee. The cashier didn't question me and grabbed a few pairs. I check out and leave. Couples in the parking lot were taking pictures of me like a celebrity. I  tripped, I didn't fall, I just dropped my bag. Gees panties and a couple things tumbled out of the bag.

I quickly got down and picked everything up, as everyone gasped and giggled at my purchases. I felt my face heat up, even hotter though. I clenched my teeth, to make sure I didn't lose my cool.

Well you know what happens when I get home.


Gerard keeps asking me about his birthday. All I can tell him is "just wait." He also been dropping hints on what he wants for his birthday. He did it again earlier. "You know you're not good at dropping hints?" I tell him laughing. He blushed and laughed with me.

"Please daddy, I've been a good boy." He begged me. I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I told him. His face lit up and he straightened his posture. I go to my office and search through the bag. I pull out the leather crop, I thought it was too soon so I put it back. I just pulled out a grey pair of panties. I hid them behind my back and entered the living room.

I sat down and gave them to gee. He smiled and examined them. "Their cute!" He said. I smirked and kissed his forehead. "I got you better stuff, but you will get them on your birthday." I reminded him.

He nodded. "I want to put them on." Gerard smiled. He got up and slipped off the panties he had on before. He threw them across the room. I couldn't help myself anymore. I stood up and grabbed his ass roughly. He jumped and turned around. We kissed each other as rough as we could.

I released our lips. "I want you to take everything off expect your skirt." I whispered to him. He nodded as he ran out of breath. I run to my office and get the leather crop. I went back to the living room, he was undressed. I quickly examined his hairless body.

I smacked the crop against my hand. Gee turned around, looking kinda scared. "What's that for?" Gerard asked me pulling his arms to his chest. I felt like he was getting scared, I want to see if he wants to. "You should know." I tell him. He gulps and says "B-but I didn't do anything." Oh god he's scared. "Of course not. We don't have to do this if you don't want to." I calmly tell him.

He looked down playing with his fingers. "How hard would you hit me?" Gee asked me in a faint whisper. I was surprised that he might let me do this. "Not hard, I promise." I answer him.

He nodded and leads me back over to the couch. I laided him down and ran my fingers down his chest. I looked a his semi-feminine figure. I can't get over how perfect his body is. I take the crop and rub it down his thighs.

At the center of his thighs, I smack them gently with the crop. Gerard jumped a little and arched his neck.

He seemed to get more nervous, as I trailed down his legs. Goosebumps formed over his skin as I brought the crop back up his legs. I smacked the side of his legs a few more time. When I smacked the middle of his thigh again, a few tears slid down his face. "Want me to stop?" I asked him. He let out a small whimper. "Yes," He cried. I really shouldn't have bought it.

He sat up and placed his face into his palms. He started crying. I felt awful, he must have felt like I was punishing him. I wrapped my arms around him. He tucked his face into my chest. I rubbed his back to calm him down. "I had a flash back to when I was with burt," He cried. I pulled him even closer. "Want to tell me about it?" I asked him. He sniffled and sighed.

"He would use the same crop on me, except he hit me all over. Mostly against my ass." He told me in a childish voice. He doesn't curse much so I cringed when he said that and mostly cause I could feel his pain.

"Want to take a nap and we can do this later?" I asked him. He rubbed his eyes and nodded. I helped him put on his shirt, take off his skirt, and put his panties back on. I cuddled with him and covered us with a blanket.

I really shouldn't be so rough on him.

Tomorrow is Valentines day but I already made Valentines day special. Oops. I'll still publish tho. 😞🤗

Baby Gerard and Daddy Frank ~Ferard~Where stories live. Discover now