Chapter 31- Harmony vs Chaos

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*the ponies are in the midst of battle*

Celestia/Solaris- *blasts at Daybreaker and Solarstorm*

Daybreaker/Solarstorm- *smirks* Oh, please. *blasts a beam back at them*

*their beams clash*

Celestia/Solaris- *their ears are flattened as their getting pushed back*

Daybreaker/Solarstorm- *laughs evilly but their beam starts getting overpowered* *shocked* WHAT?

*two sets of red and magenta beams add onto Celestia and Solaris' golden beams*

Celestia/Solaris- *sees Sunset, Princess Twilight, Prince Dusk and Glare with determined glares glaring at Daybreaker and Solarstorm while at Celestia and Solaris' side* *glares at Daybreaker and Solarstorm determinedly*

Daybreaker/Solarstorm- *gasps as they get blasted back*

*they lower their magic and breathes*

Celestia/Solaris- *wraps their wings around their students in an embrace*

Princess Twilight/Sunset/Glare/Prince Dusk- *smiles warmly at each other and accepts the embrace*


Demon Sunset/Lucifer Glare- *blasting at the Humane 6 and Human Colt 6*

Human Rarity/Human Elusive- *shielding everyone in a diamond barrier*

Humane 5/Human Colt 5- *closes their eyes and activates their auras*

*they blast Demon Sunset and Lucifer Glare knocking them to the ground*

Twilight/Dusk- *sees the others in trouble* Go help your counterparts...

*the Humane 5 and Human Colt 5 nods and heads off*


Nightmare/NightTerror- *overpowering Luna and Artemis* Submit To your inner demons ONCE AGAIN!!!

Luna/Artemis- *struggling*

*two purple beams and two turquoise beams combine with Luna and Artemis'*

Luna/Artemis- *sees Twilight, Dusk, Starlight and Stellar help them* *nods calmly*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *gets pushed back and knocked to the ground*

Serephina- *angrily* NO!!!

Discord/Eris- *in cheerleading outfits* GO TEAM HARMONY!!! *with pom poms* *excitedly* H-A-R-M-O-N-Y, they're gonna make them rejects cry, HARMONY!!! GO GO HARMONY!!!! YEAH!!! *realizes* Never thought we'd ever say that in a cheer...*shrugs and cheers*

Rainbow's/Blitz's- *tag team Evil Rainbow and Evil Blitz*

Evil Rainbow/Evil Blitz- *lazily naps*

Rainbow's/Blitz's- *screeches to halt* *groans in annoyance* *flies off*

*with Rarity and Elusive*

Evil Rarity/Evil Elusive- *madly* EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD WILL BELONG TO US!!!

Human Rarity/Human Elusive- *conjures up a diamond shield* *waves it* Who wants the diamond shield? *coos* Who wants it?!

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