Come On Eileen

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Eileen knocked three times on the new neighbors door. She waited for what seemed like eternity to her young mind, while in reality it was only a few seconds until the tall blonde woman answered the door.
"Hello! We're just here to welcome you to the neighborhood." Said Eileen's mom holding an arrangement of cookies and fruits.
"Well thank you, that's so nice of you. I'm Sarah. This looks so lov-" said the tall blonde lady who now had a name.
Eileen payed no more attention to Sarah. She saw a boy that looked around her age peaking out the window to see who was there. Eileen was excited because most of the kids in her neighborhood didn't seem to want to play with her.
She was so excited that, to everyone's surprise, she interrupted the adults. "Do you have a kid?" She said blunty.
Eileen's mother nudged her with her elbow. "Eileen! Where are your manners?"
"Yes I do. He's right inside." Sarah said.
"Can I um... see him?"
"Sure. Ben, honey, can you come her for a second?"
Slowly Ben inched his way out. He was tall, had light brown hair, a dimple on one side and had the biggest green eyes Eileen had ever seen.
"You guys can go play if your mother will let you, Eileen." Sarah said, and her mother nodded in agreement.
Ben and Eileen made their way towards the yard in an awkward silence.
"Hi I'm Eileen."
"Yeah I know."
"Oh." Eileen said looking down and her feet.
"How old are you?" Ben said.
"I'm nine."
"I'm ten."
The kids sat down on the dry grass even though it was incredibly uncomfortable.
"You only have one dimple."
"Wow you're clever." He said it in a serious voice but Eileen could see he was slightly smiling. "Your nose is weird." He spoke so harshly to her.
Eileen had always been teased about her "button" nose. She didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She was very annoyed with him and she got up and walked back to her mom.
"What's wrong?" She could see the tears in Eileen's eyes filling up, but Eileen refused to cry.
"He told me my nose was weird." Eileen said, still not crying. Sarah looked upset.
"Ben, if you don't get your BUTT over here!" Ben hurried. "Why would you say that to her? You've known her for like 5 minutes. Apologize."
"I'm sorry I said you had a weird nose."
"Okay." Eileen said. She wasn't accepting his apology, she was acknowledging it.
"You're supposed to accept my apology." Ben said.
"I don't want to because I don't accept your apology. My feelings are still hurt."
"Whatever. Come on let's go back over here."
They walked back over to the spot they were at before and sat down again in the grassy area. They talked for about 30 minutes waiting for the adults to be done talking. They had actually bonded over a few things, and they were both sarcastic enough to please each other.
"Ben, come in let's go inside! Say bye to Eileen." He waved to Eileen and got up and started walking away.
"Apology accepted." Eileen said loud enough for him to hear. He turned around for a few seconds and smiled, and then continued walking.

   Eileen and Ben considered themselves friends after at least seven times of hanging out. They only had each other. Shortly after that they became extremely close, and they grew together. Eileen's parents struggled with money and didn't seem to be as happy. She hated it so much to see her parents so sad, but she couldn't possibly talk to them about how they felt, so she spoke to Ben about it.
   Due to the shortage of money, Eileen knew not to ask for pointless things, but Ben always seemed to have a few dollars, and they would always buy sodas and candy any chance they got, just so he could see Eileen smile.
   Ben cared about Eileen, but she wasnt important to him in his brain. She was just someone there. He'd never tell her that though, she was far too fragile.
   Even though they considered each other best friends, they argued. So much. Three years of friendship, but they fought every single freaking day.
   "Whatever, I don't think he's a good rapper. He kind of sucks." Eileen said rolling her eyes.
"Okay but he is. Your ears are just stupid so shut up."
"Oh my gosh, will you stop thinking everyone has to like the same things for like ten seconds?! It's so annoying."
"You're so annoying."
Even though they fought, they always forgave each other in the end. They knew they only had each other and had to stick together. It was them together or no one.

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