I'm So Into You

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   "Frankie you make it so obvious you like him!" Tara said while I chewed on the end of my pen and stared at Andy across the room.
   "Do I really?" She looked at me like I was stupid.
   "Yeah, really. You practically have hearts in your eyes." She rolled her eyes.
   "Well, just look at him and that stupid girl! It isn't fair Tara. She ain't even that cute. Whore."
   "Frankie they've been dating for 4 months and all you've done is complain. Get over him!"
   I shoved goldfish into my mouth as the bell rang for the day to end. "Shut up." I grabbed my shit and walked out of the class.

   From my 4 months work of research, I've found that walking home the long way has more probability of me running into Andy since he has to walk to same way. I think. Math isn't my criteria.
   Sure, it took an extra 10 minutes, but I was so into him. He was so damn fine. Tara said I was a bit "stalker-ey" but I am in love! Who would've thought.
   I put my earbuds in my ears and started walking home, wishing to Aphrodite that she'd make this day worth it.
   "Frankie!" I turned around and saw Andy behind me, a couple feet away.
   "Oh, um hey Andy." My cheeks warmed up.
   He jogged, kind of, (maybe more of a speed walk with jogging intentions) and walked beside me. I thanked my good sis Aphrodite for making this happen for me. "Hi Frankie! Do you understand the science homework? I can't tell if I'm stupid or if it's just hard."
   "You're obviously not stupid, but yeah I understand it." I hoped I wasn't visibly shaking.
   "Could you help me with it? This shit is dumb."
   "Um, when?" Oh my god.
   "I was thinking now, if that's good with you and everything. I know a pretty girl like you might be busy."
   "Okay, sure let me text my family first, just so they know." My mom would never let my 15 year old ass alone with a boy so I told her I'd be at Tara's.
   "Thanks, Frankie. My house isn't too far." I wasn't even sure Andy knew who I was before. I had a few classes with him but we never really talked before, I just knew I liked him.
   I texted Tara and told her what was going on, but she didn't seem too interested.
   "Girl you fucking know he's got a girl. Watch yourself Frankie."
   I knew deep down inside it was wrong, but I didn't exactly care. I'm just helping him with homework right? It would be no different if I was helping someone else.
   "K, this is mi casa! That was disgusting wasn't it? Whatever, let's just sit."
   I giggled acting all cute and shit and sat down.
   "Are you hungry or anything, I don't want to have you starving."
   "No, I'm fine. Are we the only ones here?" If my mom found out about this she'd kill me.
   "Yeah, is that cool?" I nodded.
   Andy put on music and got out the homework. I had already done most of mine, so he copied off of it and then we did the rest together.
   "So the middle layer is arachnoid?" He said while licking his lips.
   "I guess we're done here then?" He put his hand on my thigh.
   "I guess so." I said trying to stay calm. I mean he had a girlfriend. I wanted him to myself but I didn't want to be a home wrecker!
   He moved his thumb slightly. "Damn that's tough." We stared at each other for a few seconds. "We should do this again sometime?"
   Our faces were so close. "Totally." I said quietly. He put his other hand on my cheek and kissed me. I didn't react at first, but then it hit me. Andy was kissing me.
   I kissed back, as his hand was moving towards my inner thigh slowly. I'd never kissed anyone before, and everything I was feeling was so new. His lips trailed down to my neck until he pulled away.
   "Shit! My dad will be here soon. I'll walk you home." I had just made out with a guy with a girlfriend and he just stopped, leaving me feeling two types of unpleasant feelings. I wanted more.

   "Frankie, what the hell! He has a girlfriend! Can your headass self spell that? G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D. And guess what? You aren't his, so you had no business kissing him and shit."
   "You don't understand how it feels to be in love Tara! And I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. He initiated everything."
   "You are not in love, and so WHAT if he initiated that kiss? You could've pulled away."
   "I am in love. Besides, nobody knows but you. I doubt he's gonna go telling people he was with me."
   "It doesn't matter if anyone says anything because guess what? You didn't go ghost on Snapchat. People saw, and people talk. Good luck, Frankie. I love you but get your ass together." She hung up the phone before I could say anything back.
   "Fuck, man." I said under my breath while rubbing my eyes.
   I put my phone away and got in the shower for more than an hour, procrastinating the trouble I've set myself up for.
   When I got out, I had 14 texts from Tamarah, Andy's girlfriend. "Shit shit shit!"
   what were you doing with my man
i thought we was cool
   it's so pathetic that ur ugly ass couldn't get your own man so you borrowed someone else's
   you can have his worthless ass
   yall will be perfect together
   i knew u had a thing for him
   that's why u always staring at him and shit
   answer me bitch!
   i know you aren't doing anything cause you have like 1 friend
   oh sorry my mistake, 2. my boyfriend and tara
   gtfo of my life, my boyfriends life. nobody wants u. bye hoe.

I guess I'd gotten what I deserved. Tamarah and Andy broke up that night, and he never spoke to me again. I was so into him but I should have known karma goes around and around and it hurts.

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