• Introduction •

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{Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash}

This story starts with a question for you, dear reader.

In a world where what you love to do is scoffed at, would you dare do it anyways, despite the jeers, the namecalling, the backstabbing?

Would you do it, even if it meant it would scar your name and demolish your carefully stacked reputation?

In this story, there is

1 girl, who loves to read
1 king, who yearns to rule his kingdom
1 brother, who never got what he wanted
20 women, who wish to marry for the sake of their families
1 narrator, who wants this drama to be over

Let us see how this goes, dear reader.

//A note from the author//

This book is organized a little differently.

Pre-Chapters are the chapters leading up to the actual plotline. (Think of them as introductory chapters. They aren't necessary to read, but will definitely provide more background and clarification. They contain a smaller plot connected to the main plot.)

Chapters are the chapters of the actual story and the main plotline. (They are what you want to read if you want to read this. )

End-Chapters are the chapters that act as the epilogue of the Chapters. (They also act as the ending to the Pre-Chapters, the conclusion of the small plot started there.)

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