New students

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Today is the 3rd week of school. These days consist of the same things- bullying and abuse. Still take the kids to the school and "Father" is still an abusive drunk. Walking into the school something felt different.

"Charlie, why does it feel like something changed?".

"It does feel weird doesn't it?".

Walking through the halls you could hear the gossip of 5 new supposed hot guys. Well we didn't think about it to much because of the fact that most guys here are so ugly. Well thats our opinion at least. Our school is made up of all the same groups as most school, the jocks, the nerds, the gamers, the goths, and the main girls. The only group our school is missing are the bad boys (even though a lot think they are). The main girls or sluts as people would say go for pretty much anyone, same with the jocks. Charlie and I are not as you say in a group or classified as anything. Any ways back to my boring school life. Walking down the halls here are some of the things we heard

"omg have you seen them, they are so hot" and "I'd totally tap that."

The one that caught my attention was this " they are supposedly bad boys."

I look at Charlie and said

"Did you hear that or am I hearing things?"

"Yeah I heard it, just stay out of their way and we will be ok." 

With that said the doors flew open and what walked in surprised us both.

"Those are the guys!?" Charlie asked.

"Well I was so not expecting this! But they are hot got to give them that." I replied back to Charlie.

"Hot, girly that's an understatement, they are freakin gods!"Charlie says back.

When she said that I just rolled my eyes. Just then the bell rang, so I grabbed her arm and ran to my class and she ran to hers. A couple minutes into class the door bangs open.

"Excuse me but do not ever bang that door again!" our teacher Mr. Smith yelled.

"Sorry but we are the new students."
say the kindest looking of the group.

Mr. Smith just rolled his eyes and tells them to take a seat, sadly all the open seats are all around me. When they look around their eyes landed on me. As they took their seats, I just had my head down on the table.

"Hey, my name is Nevin, this is Axel, Carlos, Noah, and Jason. "

Each say there own type of 'hi'. I just nod my head saying hey. Right away I could tell what each guy was: Nevin- the prankster 
Axel: the flirt  
Carlos: the tech  
Noah: the friendliest and then
Jason: the leader. Each spoke with a different tone. They kept talking trying to get me to join in and also getting yelled at. Then the the bell finally rang.


Now it's time for lit. I was running down the halls when I heard
"Wait up I never got your name." Nevin said. 
I just looked at him, smirked and ran the rest of the way to lit. Oh crap did I just do that.

 When I got into the classroom and sat down.

I said to Charlie "They are in my music class."

She looks at me weird and asks who.

"Let me give you a hint they are new here and hot."

She looked so confused then her eyes widened

"No way they were in your class!"

All I do is nod my head.

"Where did they sit?" she asked.

"There were only seats in the back, so around me."I state calmly.

When I look at her, I see her eyes are as wide as saucers.

"Really, they all surrounded you!"

She asks in disbelief and I nod my head again. Then all I hear is a very loud squeal.

"What the heck Charlie, why did you squeal so loud?"

"Because they sat by you duh!"

I just shake my head at her.


"I didn't even notice the time, did you?" Charlie asked.

"I had no idea that is was close to lunch!"

Walking to lunch all I hear is a voice or voices yell "Fooood" what the hell.

Next thing you know I'm on the ground along with Charlie with two bodies on us.

"What the hell, get off us you baboon!" Charlie screeches.

Once they get up Charlie sees who it is her face goes pale, while me I'm laughing my ass off.

"Hey I'm not that fat 😔"

"Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to yell at you please forgive me!"

Charlie pleads when she sees it's one of the bad boys other none as Noah. She looks at me and says

"Why are you laughing and just watching this?"

I just rolled my eyes and said "Relax Charlie that's Noah."

She looks at me with a face that says "Are you crazy."

"So what are your names, I know we met but you never said your name." Noah says sadly.

"Hey Noah why are you talking to that freak/ mute!?" Madeline says/ asks.

Your mute?" this time Nevin asks.

I shake my head no in response. "She's not mute, stop saying that."

"I'm talking to them because they seem cool and like a real person, other like you." he states calmly.

Charlie and I look at each other with wide eyes.

"Well we are already late to lunch so Sarah and I are leaving bye."

Then we ran. She got to the lunch line and I grab us a table. Then the doors slammed open and everything just stopped and went silent. Charlie came back with her food and looked at me then back at the door then back at me with wide eyes. They stopped at the door and looked around until their eyes landed on us. We both stared at each other till they came up to our table and stood in front of us. Can you guess who they are ?

Hey peeps that was the second chapter. Can you guess who they are? Leave your guess in the comments. And like always vote comment and add to your library to get an update. Goodnight or have a great day..... The Peep Queen!

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