Pancakes and Trench Coats

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"Everything is going to be fine, love. Don't cry," his mother whispered softly into his ear as she ran her hand over his curls.

Harry wiped the tears from his cheeks but kept his face in the crook of his mother's neck.

"Did I do something bad? Is that why daddy left?" Harry asked with a quivering chin.

Harry was a sweet boy who hardly ever did anything wrong. For a six-year-old, he was always sure to do what he was asked; minding his manners and completing his chores.

Yes, there were times when he would be a little rambunctious and had a hard time sitting still. One look from his mother and he knew that he needed to start behaving right. There were also days when he got on his sisters nerves which would usually result in a yelling match. At the end of the day, long after the quarrel, a guilt-ridden Harry would sneak quietly into the older sibling's bedroom, climb onto her bed, and apologize with the best puppy eyes he could muster.

"Oh, Harold," Gemma would smile. She would pull him into a warm hug, forgive him, and then read him a story before she sent him back to bed.

This was why young Harry was so distraught. He didn't understand why his daddy would leave and it was just like Harry to assume fault for it all.

"No, sweetheart, of course not. You have done nothing wrong, alright?" his mother assured, "your father loves you. He just-well, he just...".

Her voice trailed off. Anne didn't know what to tell her son. She couldn't find the right words to say that would make him understand. She couldn't tell him the truth. Not now, at least. But, how could she tell her little boy that his father left because he just wasn't happy anymore?

She was thankful that Gemma was old enough to understand, but Harry was just so sensitive. Even at his young age, he knew when others around him were upset. He took on their problems as his own and wouldn't stop worrying until everything was okay again with smiles on everyone's face.

She knew Harry would have a difficult time with all of this and she was trying her best to explain, but soon, her own tears were threatening to spill.

She took in a deep breath in an attempt to compose herself while she continued to comb her fingers through her son's soft curls.

"We're going to be alright," she said to him, not knowing if she was saying it more for his benefit or her own.

She could feel him nod into her neck, his hair tickling her skin with the motion.

"Why don't we get you to bed, love? It's a bit past your bedtime," Anne suggested.

Harry lifted himself away from his mother's embrace and replied with a yawn as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Taking her hand, he hopped off of the sofa and followed his mother up the stairs to his bedroom where he cuddled beneath the blankets of his bed as she tucked him in.

"Try and get some sleep, dear. I'll make pancakes in the morning, if you'd like," she said after she leaned to place a kiss on his forehead.

"With bananas?" he smiled, dimples spotting his cheeks.

"With bananas," Anne smiled back through the blurring tears caused by the sweetness of her son.

"Good," he whispered, "love you, mummy."

"Love you, too, sweetheart," she replied before closing the door behind her.

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