Chapter 13

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"Where should I sleep?" Brandy asks Ben. "With me of course." he says winking at her. "I like that idea." she says kissing him. "Grab your things and we can put them in my room." he says grabbing her hand and leading her upstairs. "Where ddo you want my bags?" Brandy asks. "Put them anywhere, this is just as much your room as mine now." Ben says smiling. "This  is the best night ever!" she says smiling back. "It could be better." he says evily. "Oh? How so?" she says. "Well how would you like me to turn you tonight?" he asks. "Your fuckig kidding right?" she says shocked. "No i'm serious." he says laughing. "But you have to play for me first." he adds grabbing his guitar. "Hand me that thing now!" she says reaching for it. "Shit! What do I play?" she says thinking. "Play me your favorite song." Ben say smiling. She slowly begins to play, unsure at first then she gets more confident. "Closure is your favorite song?" he says suprised. "Yea that and To the Stage, both because there by you." she says smiling. "That's so sweet." he says smiling back. "Well what can I say i'm madly in love with you." she says laughing. "Well that's good to know since I love you too." he say as he pushes her against the wall and kisses her. "So are you ready to be turned?" he asks seductively. "I was born ready for this." she says. "That's all I need to hear." Ben says as he bites her neck. She start moaning and Ben bites harder. He finally lets go. "Did I say stop?" she says as her eyes flash red and she bites him. "Getting a little rough?" Ben says laughing. "I haven't even gotten started yet." she says throwing him on the bed. "Not before the first date!" Ben says laughing. "Lie a little better." she says ripping his shirt off. "Okay you asked for it now." he says flipping her onto the bed. "I've been asking for it." Brandy says kissing him. "Now this is the best night." Ben says as he finishes undressing her.

"God i'm so tired." Cynthia says. "Well baby I have a question." DJ says. "What is it?" she asks yawning. "How would you like me to turn you?" he asks. "Really?" she says excited. "Yes, I love you and want us to be together forever." he says smiling. "I'd love for you too!" she says hugging him. "I have to text Cyndy and tell her!" Cynthia says pulling out her phone. "She's a little preoccupied with Michael right now." DJ says laughing. "How do you know that?" she says confused. "I can feel it." he says laughing. "Oh... that's a little weird." she says laughing too. "Oh believe me I know." DJ says. "Will it hurt to be turned?" Cynthia asks. "Only a little at first." he says. "I'm a little scared." she says. "Don't be, I wont hurt you, this is the only way for us to be together forever." he says holding her hand. "Alright do it." she says pulling her hair back. He pulls her close and sinks his teeth into her neck. "Ow..." she says but then the pain goes away. All she fells is a strong feeling for DJ. She knew this was meant to happen. She was always meant for something bigger and here it was. DJ pulls away and kisses her. "Welcome to your new life babe." he says. "My only life." she says kissing him again. "I knew we were meant to for each other." he says smiling. "I knew it the day we met, we were gonna be together no matter what." she says smiling. "You ready for bed now sweetie?" he says picking her up. "Definately." she says yawning.

"Wow, it wasn't a dream!" Cyndy says looking over and seeing Michael. She climbs out of bed and glances at the clock, 3:30 in the morning. "Well might as well get something to eat." she says walking downstairs. "Hmmm what to eat?" she says opening the fridge. She settles on a glass of blood. "Wow was I thirsty." she says putting the glass in the sink. "I wonder if I should take Michael a glass." she thinks. She pours him a glass and walks back upstairs. Michael was awake and sitting up in bed. "I was wondering where you went." he says smiling as she hands him the glass. "I got thirsty." she says smiling to. "Well thank you for thinking of me." he says taking a drink. "I'm always thinking of you." she says smiling. "I love you." he say kissing her. "I love you too." she says stealing his glass of blood. "Hey that's mine." he says laughing. "Not anymore." she says drinking it empty. "That's not cool." he says pouting. "Oh you poor thing." she says laughing and kissing him again. "Ready for round two?" he says attacking her. "Haha yes!" she says laughing.

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