Chapter 1

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Blade crouched on the edge of a high stone building, his black cloak billowing around him in the wind, his white, elongated fangs dripping with blood. Blade was a heartless killer, he would admit, but he wasn't always like this. He was once a gullible human who had been enticed by the dark and cruel world of vampirism.

Below him walked a girl with hair as red as the blood he would soon spill, smiling Blade stood up then stepped over the edge of the building. He landed silently behind the unsuspecting girl, Blade followed her until she walked into a dark spot away from any lights or people. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Blade shoved the girl into a cold brick wall. he never bothered with seduction like other vampires, Blade found seducing girls to give up blood to be boring and tedious, he would rather just get straight to the point and kill them.

The red-head began to scream like the pathetic human she was. Frustrated, Blade gripped her hair and pulled her head back, exposing the girl's neck. His canines began tp grow even longer and within a few seconds Blade had drunk the girl dry of blood. He felt no remorse for the pitiful being, only hunger for the red rubies every human holds within.

With a sigh Blade dropped the lifeless body on the ground and left this putrid city. He had no care if the girl's body was found; they would never find any fingerprints or anything to say that someone else had killed her.

In only moments Blade reached his mansion in the middle of the forest, the high stone turrets coming in to view along with the black Iron Gate that surrounded it. To many this place was creepy and dark, but to Blade it was home... or as close to home as he would ever allow himself to feel.  

As soon as he stepped inside Blade knew something was off, there was a new scent in the air. It was one he knew and wasn’t at all fond of.

"What do you want me for this time, Carlos?" Blade asked to the empty looking room

"I have a job for you" A deathly voice said as it emerged from the shadows

Blade wanted to groan, he didn’t want to do any jobs, but he couldn’t help but smile. Carlos was the most cunning and evil of all the vampire council members, "And what is this job?"

Carlos smirked, showing off his pointy teeth, "I have got a bit of a problem, you see I've heard rumours that a student from St Arthurs Academy for the gifted has an ability to speak to ghosts" At this Carlos frowned, "You see this student, boy or girl I do not know, could be close to unravelling a plan that I have been working on for a wile now, if they succeed everything I have been working on for the last few centuries will fail. That is why I need you to go, find out who this person is and kill them"

"Why me?" Blade asked curiously

Carols began to chuckle, "Well you the best one for the job, you see some might say you’re more of a heartless killer than I am... impossible to believe I know, but not unlikely"

Blade smirked, he was a heartless killer which is why he liked Carlos' jobs. But St Arthurs academy was a highly guarded school, It would be impossible to get to let alone kill a student. "How am I going to get in?" Blade asked voicing his concerns

"I set up a faux meeting with the council and they agreed that it could be of benefit to you if you visit the school and 'learn from them' or some other mamby pamby crap. St Arthurs has also allowed you to come and play student at their school"

"So what?" Blade questioned "I go in there, pretend to be a student, find info on this ghost speaker and kill them"

"Yes" Carlos nodded "as soon as possible please, I don’t want them to find out too much"

Blade nodded and was about to ask what Carlos' plans were but decided against it, Carlos wasn’t much for letting out information.

 After Carlos left Blade went to go pack his bags, he was told that in the morning a private jet would arrive to take him to St Arthurs Academy for the gifted, although he was a little worried as this school is a sanctuary for gifted students such as mind readers. Bade didn’t want anybody finding out his plans so he spent hours that night practicing on closing off his mind from mind readers.

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