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Intro . . .

Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's goddess. Zayn had always looked up to his sister, he had always wanted to be like her, even if that meant wearing her espadrilles and stilettos, dancing to Ariana Grande in her pink bedroom or smothering sparkly gold lipstick all over his mouth. Zayn loved his sister more than anyone in the world. But there was something he didn't know that went on with his sister. The conflicts his sister had with others.

When Doniya had to move away 'for college', Zayn was devastated. Even though he spoke to her almost every night, he missed her dearly. He continued to do what he loved best, something that Doniya had taught him, how to skate. He kept on skating and hoping for his sister to return to him. Until then, he felt alone, unloved and confused. Until when another guy came in and caught him skating. Then, Zayn realised, he could love someone other than his sister. A different kind of love. And that he could be loved by someone else, a different kind of love. But What happens when love has physical consequences? Love can be Frightening.

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Okay! So guys, this is my third fanfic! I would recommend reading my other ones first (The Place to Lose Your Fears) and (Deny, Denied, DeNiall). But yeah, since you've read the synopsis, let's get on with this. It's my first original story, so this is not based off of any Disney books or movies. This is gonna be a bit different from my other ones too. But I''m really excited to write this and I think you're all gonna enjoy it too! My friends looked over my synopsis for each chapter and had a few disagreements, but overall, I'm gonna write this!

Now, what you've all been waiting for, let the story begin . . .



<<Third Person POV>>

<<Modern Times>>

<<Cleveland Ohio>>

"So then, take my hand and just keep you eyes on me." sixteen year old Doniya Malik instructed thirteen year old Zayn as they skated across the ice rink. Zayn had always wanted to skate like his big sister, but he couldn't even balance on ice.

"Ugh, Doniya, I don't think I can do this." Zayn faltered. He was wobbling on the ice and soon fell for the sixth time that day.

"Zayn, I fell so many times as well, just remember, keep getting up and never give up." Doniya instructed and pulled Zayn back up on his feet. She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck. Even though her parents wanted her to cover her head, she refused. She was always a strong-willed woman from heart.

Zayn jumped up and wobbled again. After a few more tries, he was able to keep his balance.

"See Zayn, it took me three days to actually get my balance, though I was younger, but you see, you could balance on ice on your first day!" Doniya applauded. Zayn had received a pair of ice skates for his birthday last week. Zayn had always looked up to his sister, he had always wanted to be like her, even if that meant wearing her espadrilles and stilettos, dancing to Ariana Grande in her pink bedroom or smothering sparkly gold lipstick all over his mouth. Zayn loved his sister more than anyone in the world. And he was more than delighted when she got him a set of skates on his thirteenth birthday last week and that Doniya promised him that she would take him skating.

After a few more minutes, he got the hang of skating and stopping. But he wanted to do more.

"Doniya, how do you do all the cool stuff, like twirling and spinning and stuff?" Zayn asked.

"Oh, well, you need to master this first, and then I'll teach you how to do those tricks." Doniya smiled and took Zayn to sit on the bench. The Doniya told him that she would be right back. Doniy quickly went to her car and grabbed her sports bag and came back. She took her normal skates off and put on a pair of high-heel skates and since nobody else was there, she took off her sweater and placed a tight-fitted suit top, leaving her black skirt still on.

"Watch me." Doniya smiled. Zayn watched in awe as Doniya danced on the ice, in her black heeled skates and her black skirt twirling as she spun and leapt and sliced through the hard ice in the rink.

"How do you do that!?" Zayn asked. "Can I try?" He asked pointing at her skates.

"No, they're a bit too big for you, just use your own skates." Doniya chuckled. She skated over to Zayn and took his hand.

"Now, you try, only do what's comfortable." She said to him. She sat down and looked right at Zayn.

"Okay, Donnie!" Zayn squealed as he started out. He skated and turned and did everything he knew how to do. Doniya smiled and clapped.

"That was so good, Zayn!" She smiled.

"Watch this!" Zayn smiled as his teenage hormones started to kick in."

"Uh, Zayn, be careful, are you sure?" Doniya asked.

"Oh, of course!" Zayn said, cockily. He took a jumpstart and skated very fast and leapt in the air. For a moment, Doniya was impressed and her jaw dropped in amazement.

But it didn't last long. Zayn couldn't handle the impact. He landed hard and the ice cracked. He was lop-sided on the curb of the rink.

"Oh Zayn!" Doniya shrieked. "Are you okay!" She immediately leapt up and used her sisterly instincts and skating skills and was at Zayn's side within a few seconds. She knew what to do, lop-sided on the curb, so she blocked the coupes. Watch the deuces. 

"It-it-it hurts." Zayn whimpered, trying to 'be a man' and not cry. He was lying on the side, holding his arm.

"Oh, Zayn, everything's gonna be alright." Doniya chided. She picked him up and carried him to the bench, zipping through the ice. She unbuttoned his coat and looked at his elbow.

"Did I break my arm?" Zayn asked.

"No Zayn, it's pretty bruised, I'll go get some ice and then we'll go somewhere else." Doniya smiled.

She couldn't get Zayn some ice, even though, they ironically enough, they were at an ice rink. Zayn massaged a bag of snow on his elbow as Doniya put on some eyeliner in her Toyota Prius.

"Mum says you wear too much makeup." Zayn said.

"Yeah, Mum says alot of stuff I'm sure." Doniya replied, her attitude immediately changing, along with her lips as they pursed. "Well, it doesn't matter, I am who I am, and nobody can tell me otherwise." Doniya said. Zayn loved her defiance, how she wouldn't put up with any shit. How she could stand up and protect herself.

"Hey, so where to next?" Zayn asked.

"Well, let's go and get some potstickers and egg rolls from the grocery store, and maybe sneak it in my purse to the movies?" Doniya smirked with a mischievous smile as she pulled out her red mac from her big handbag and tightened her black infinity scarf. She put on her lipstick and aviators, put the mirror up and revved up the engine of her hybrid car. Zayn put on Lady Gaga on the CD player and they sang to Born This Way the whole way there. 

Okay, so sorry for the short prologue, but yeah, I wanna hear what you guys think of this intro? Was it too short, too boring? Anything like that? Tell me what you think is gonna happen.

Question: Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Meaning, are you for or against abortion? This question is actually quite relevant to the story (hint, hint), so please answer this question.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now